Create a BP Address
    • 12 Feb 2025
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    Create a BP Address

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    Article summary



    This endpoint contains the address details for business partners in CMiC. The term 'business partner' encompasses Vendors, Customers, and other relevant entities.

    UI Navigation

    Financials > Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Business Partners

    Knowledge Base Article

    Commonly Used Body Parameters

    CMiC UI FieldnameObjectNameDescriptionTypeData LengthExampleRequired
    Primary Address (Checkbox)bpaddressesBpadAddPrimaryFlagIndicates whether the address is designated as the primary address for the business partner. Set to "Y" for Yes (primary) and "N" for No (not primary).string1YYes
    Address CodebpaddressesBpadAddTypeCodeAssigns a unique code identifying each address record within the bpaddresses object, enabling differentiation between various addresses of a given business partner. It corresponds to the Address Code field in the Business Partner Maintenance screen. This code will automatically be converted to uppercase on insert.string5MAINYes
    Business Partner CodebpaddressesBpadBpCodeRepresents the unique code pre-assigned to a business partner within the CMiC system. This field serves as Key Value 1 in the Business Partner Maintenance screen, ensuring each business entity is distinctly identifiable within the system.string8001STYes
    Address Line 1bpaddressesBpadAdd1Contains the first line of the business partner's address. This typically includes the street address or PO Box number.string404800 keele stNo
    VUUIDbpaddressesBpadVUuidA UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). A 128-bit unique identifier used to identify a business partner address row. Can we used to query a previously created business partner record.string64B46794D108F9CF54E0530100007F8E27No

    Other (Optional) Body Parameters

    CMiC UI FieldnameObjectNameDescriptionTypeData LengthExampleRequired
    Active (checkbox)bpaddressesBpadActiveFlagIndicates the current status of the address record. Check this box if the address is active or current. Set to "Y" to mark the address as active. Set to "N" to mark the address as inactive.string1YNo
    Address Line 2bpaddressesBpadAdd2Address line 2 contains additional address information. Typically used for suite or apartment numbers.string40100No
    Address Line 3bpaddressesBpadAdd3Address line 3 contains additional address line informaiton. Typically used for the city or township of the addressstring40ChicagoNo
    Add EmailbpaddressesBpadAddEmailStores the email address of the main contanct associated with the business partner address.string80ADD2@BPaddress.caNo
    FaxbpaddressesBpadAddFaxStores the fax number for the business partner address record.string20(239) 555-5000No
    Address NamebpaddressesBpadAddNameProvides a descriptive name or label for the address, aiding in easy identification of the address among multiple addresses associated with a business partner. Example names include "Secondary BP Address Info".string30Shipping AddressNo
    PhonebpaddressesBpadAddPhoneStores the primary phone number for the a given address.string20323-418-3559No
    Phone 2bpaddressesBpadAddPhone2Contains an alternate phone number for the business partner's address, providing an additional contact option if needed.string20(239) 555-3333No
    Bill To (checkbox)bpaddressesBpadBillToFlagIndicates whether items are billed to the address for the business partner. Set to "Y" to indicate that items are billed to the billing address.string1YNo
    Business Partner NamebpaddressesBpadBpNameThe name of the business partner specified under BpadBPCodestring50nullNo
    Business Parner Vendor NamebpaddressesBpadBpVenNameEnter the Business Partner AP Vendor Name. This name is the name used throughout the system, wherever business partner (vendor or customer) objects are available. This field is next to the Business Partner Code and serves as Key Value 2 in the Business Partner Maintenance screen.string50Aetna InsuranceNo
    Company CodebpaddressesBpadCompCodeThe company code of the business partner assigned in the system this address belongs to.string8ZZNo
    Company NamebpaddressesBpadCompNameThe Name of the company specified under BpadCompCodestring30Supreme Utilitarian SelectionsNo
    Attention (ie. Contact Name)bpaddressesBpadContactNameThe name of the primary contact associated with the business partner's address.string50Rob CementerNo
    CountrybpaddressesBpadCountryThe country where the business partner's address is located.string30USANo
    Create DatebpaddressesBpadIuCreateDateCreate Date - The timestamp indicating when the address record was created for the cost code in a job through an update.datetime2016-10-19T11:12:32-04:00No
    Create UserbpaddressesBpadIuCreateUserThe username of the individual who created the address record. This field aids in auditing and tracking changes within the system.string30LORIGIBNo
    Update DatebpaddressesBpadIuUpdateDateUpdate Date - The timestamp indicating the last time the address record was updated. An example of an Integration Update is "2024-10-23T10:49:35-04:00" which shows the last update times.datetime2024-01-24T06:58:29-05:00No
    Update UserbpaddressesBpadIuUpdateUserThe username of the individual who last updated the address record. Essential for auditing and understanding who made recent changes to the record.string30SHAMROCKNo
    OM Only (checkbox)bpaddressesBpadOmOnlyFlagSignifies if this address should only be used within the opportunity module. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is only available in Opportunity Management only.string1NNo
    Order From (Checkbox)bpaddressesBpadOrderFromFlagSpecifies whether orders can be placed from this address. Set to "Y" to enable order placement, or "N" to disable.string1YNo
    Postal CodebpaddressesBpadPostalCodeThe postal or ZIP code corresponding to the business partner's address.string1210025No
    Region CodebpaddressesBpadRegionCodeThe regional code (state or province) that corresponds to the business partner's address,.string3ILNo
    Remit To (checkbox)bpaddressesBpadRemitToFlagIndicates whether payments should be remitted to this address. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is used for remittance purposes, or "N" for No.string1NNo
    Ship To (checkbox)bpaddressesBpadShipToFlagSpecifies whether shipments should be sent to this address. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is used for shipping purposes, or "N" for No.string1YNo
    VUUIDbpaddressesBpadVUuidA UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). A 128-bit unique identifier used to identify a business partner address row. Can we used to query a previously created business partner record.string64B46794D108F9CF54E0530100007F8E27No
    Type basic

    Basic authentication

    Header parameters
    Body parameters
    Example{ "BpadAddTypeCode": "ON", "BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N", "BpadBpCode": "CAD", "BpadAdd1": "4800 keele st", "BpadVUuid": "" }


      "BpadActiveFlag": null,
      "BpadAdd1": "4800 keele st",
      "BpadAdd2": null,
      "BpadAdd3": null,
      "BpadAddEmail": null,
      "BpadAddFax": null,
      "BpadAddName": null,
      "BpadAddPhone": null,
      "BpadAddPhone2": null,
      "BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
      "BpadAddTypeCode": "ON",
      "BpadBillToFlag": null,
      "BpadBpCode": "CAD",
      "BpadBpName": null,
      "BpadBpVenName": null,
      "BpadCompCode": null,
      "BpadCompName": null,
      "BpadContactName": null,
      "BpadCountry": null,
      "BpadIuCreateDate": null,
      "BpadIuCreateUser": null,
      "BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
      "BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
      "BpadName2": null,
      "BpadName3": null,
      "BpadName4": null,
      "BpadOmOnlyFlag": null,
      "BpadOrderFromFlag": null,
      "BpadPostalCode": null,
      "BpadRegionCode": null,
      "BpadRemitToFlag": null,
      "BpadShipToFlag": null,
      "BpadVUuid": "F26706F8360652F4E05316821FACACA4",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "",
          "name": "bpaddresses",
          "kind": "item"
          "rel": "canonical",
          "href": "",
          "name": "bpaddresses",
          "kind": "item"