- 12 Feb 2025
- 6 Minutes to read
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Create an Inventory Item
- Updated on 12 Feb 2025
- 6 Minutes to read
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Create Inventory Items
UI Location: ASSET MANAGEMENT - Inventory - Setup - Item Master
Basic authentication
Write-off account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
‘Y’ if alternate unit conversions are enabled. ‘N’ if not.
💻 UI Fieldname: Alternate WM Allowed
Company Code
Revenue account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Flag to indicate if system will auto assemble non-production composite item upon issue posting
💻 UI Fieldname: Auto-Build Composite
‘Y’ or ‘N’. Set this to ‘N’ unless CIITEM_SERIAL_FLAG = ‘Y’ and CIITEM_COST_METH_CODE = ’F’
Not used. Set this to ‘N’
Reference to a weight/measure code defined in WGTMES_TABLE
Key value 2; Inventory item code or number. If the fixed length flag is set in the control file, this code must be of the length specified in the control file.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Item Code
Inventory account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
One of AVG (average cost), SF (standard FIFO), F (modified FIFO) and STD (standard cost). The validation program does not check but this should be the same value as in the item’s class.
‘P’ if the buyback price is entered explicitly. ‘C’ if it calculated as a percentage of the cost price.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Buy Back
‘P’ if the selling price is entered explicitly, ‘C’ if it calculated as a percentage of the cost price.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Issue At
Adjustment account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Suspense account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
If using the Average Cost method of inventory valuation, specify whether to update the average cost of this inventory item by the total inventory (‘I’), or by the inventory within a specified location (‘L’).
💻 UI Fieldname: Average Cost Update Level
Is the Item available for MS system Y/N
💻 UI Fieldname: Available For MS System
Variance account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
‘Y’ if the item is serialized, ‘N’ if not.
💻 UI Fieldname: Serialized
Unique Row ID
Key value 3; Reference (with CIITEM_COMP_CODE) to a class defined in the CICLASS table.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Class Code
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
Used in ADF to create default Item Detail right with the insert of Item Master
Allow negative balances
💻 UI Fieldname: Negative Balances
File path to a picture of the item.
Accumulated depreciation account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Item setup for Sales Product Code Y = Yes N = No
💻 UI Fieldname: Sales Code
Standard on-hand quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Standard On Hand
Maximum on-hand quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Maximum On Hand
Date this record was added
Default EM component code for costing Equipment
💻 UI Fieldname: Equipment Category
💻 UI Fieldname: Zone Price Code
Customer sales revenue account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Depreciation expense account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Default value for Production flag on the item/type level
💻 UI Fieldname: Production
Dollar amount that will be added to each unit of this inventory item, when all or a portion of the item is returned.
💻 UI Fieldname: Re-Stock Charge
‘Y’ if this is a composite item, ‘N’ otherwise
💻 UI Fieldname: Composite
Minimum on-hand quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Minimum On Hand
Date this record was last modified
Used in ADF to create default Item Header right with the insert of Item Master
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
💻 UI Fieldname: Class Name
Minimum order quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Minimum Order
Inventory Item that mapped to the Sales Product Code
💻 UI Fieldname: Item
Maximum order quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Maximum Order
Not used.
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
Affiliate sales revenue account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Userid of the person who added the record
Detailed description of the item
Item name used in most screens and reports
💻 UI Fieldname: Item Name
💻 UI Fieldname: *WM
Zone Pricing Code Oraseq (key to Zone Pricing Table)
Selling/issue price or percentage. If percentage remember to make it 100+markup.
If CIITEM_CMP_FLAG=’Y’ this flag indicates whether the item can be issued only partially assembled. ‘Y’ means it can, ‘N’ means it cannot.
💻 UI Fieldname: Partial
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
Cost of goods sold account. Reference to the ACCOUNT table.
Standard order quantity
💻 UI Fieldname: Standard Order
Buy back price or percentage. If percentage remember to make it 100+markup.
‘Y’ if this item can be returned, ‘N’ otherwise
💻 UI Fieldname: Returnable
Userid of the person who last modified the record
Market price
💻 UI Fieldname: Market Price
💻 UI Fieldname: Sell Price Code
With CiitemCompCode a reference to ARTAX table
"CiitemAccumDeprAccCode": null,
"CiitemAccumDeprAccName": null,
"CiitemAdjAccCode": "50711",
"CiitemAdjAccName": null,
"CiitemAffilRevAccCode": null,
"CiitemAffilRevAccName": null,
"CiitemAllowNegQtyFlag": null,
"CiitemAltWmAllowFlag": "N",
"CiitemAutoBuildCmpFlag": "N",
"CiitemBbPriceOrPctCode": "C",
"CiitemBbPriceOrPctName": null,
"CiitemBuybackPriceAmt": null,
"CiitemClassName": null,
"CiitemCmpFlag": null,
"CiitemCompCode": "001",
"CiitemCompName": null,
"CiitemCostMethCode": "AVG",
"CiitemCostMethName": null,
"CiitemCostUpdateLevelCode": "I",
"CiitemCostUpdateLevelName": null,
"CiitemCreditJcCatCode": null,
"CiitemCreditJcCatName": null,
"CiitemCrtDate": null,
"CiitemCrtUserCode": null,
"CiitemCustRevAccCode": null,
"CiitemCustRevAccName": null,
"CiitemDefaultItemTypeCode": null,
"CiitemDefaultLocCode": null,
"CiitemDeprExpAccCode": null,
"CiitemDeprExpAccName": null,
"CiitemEmCostComponCode": null,
"CiitemEmCostComponName": null,
"CiitemImageFilename": null,
"CiitemInvAccCode": "17010",
"CiitemInvAccName": null,
"CiitemInventoryItemCode": null,
"CiitemInventoryItemName": null,
"CiitemItemClassCode": "29",
"CiitemItemCode": "1262",
"CiitemItemDesc": null,
"CiitemItemFixedLengthFlag": null,
"CiitemItemLengthValue": null,
"CiitemItemName": null,
"CiitemIuCreateDate": null,
"CiitemIuUpdateDate": null,
"CiitemLastModifyDate": null,
"CiitemLastModifyUserCode": null,
"CiitemLotCtrlFlag": "N",
"CiitemMarketPriceAmt": null,
"CiitemMaxOnhandQty": null,
"CiitemMaxOrderQty": null,
"CiitemMinOnhandQty": null,
"CiitemMinOrderQty": null,
"CiitemMsAvailableFlag": "N",
"CiitemMsptCode": null,
"CiitemMszpcCode": null,
"CiitemPartialDasmblFlag": null,
"CiitemProdFlag": null,
"CiitemRestockPriceAmt": null,
"CiitemRevAccCode": "40015",
"CiitemRevAccName": null,
"CiitemRtrnFlag": null,
"CiitemSalesProductFlag": null,
"CiitemSalesTax1Code": null,
"CiitemSalesTax1Name": null,
"CiitemSalesTax2Code": null,
"CiitemSalesTax2Name": null,
"CiitemSalesTax3Code": null,
"CiitemSalesTax3Name": null,
"CiitemSellPriceAmt": null,
"CiitemSellPriceOrPctCode": "C",
"CiitemSellPriceOrPctName": null,
"CiitemSerialFlag": "N",
"CiitemSoldAtCostAccCode": null,
"CiitemSoldAtCostAccName": null,
"CiitemStdOnhandQty": null,
"CiitemStdOrderQty": null,
"CiitemSuspAccCode": "17040",
"CiitemSuspAccName": null,
"CiitemTax1Code": null,
"CiitemTax1Name": null,
"CiitemTax2Code": null,
"CiitemTax2Name": null,
"CiitemTax3Code": null,
"CiitemTax3Name": null,
"CiitemUsageCode": "N",
"CiitemUsageName": null,
"CiitemVUuid": "F29114ACA41A1C56E05316821FACAC2F",
"CiitemVarAccCode": "50720",
"CiitemVarAccName": null,
"CiitemVelocityCode": null,
"CiitemWmCode": "EA",
"CiitemWmName": null,
"CiitemWriAccCode": "50700",
"CiitemWriAccName": null,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/ci-rest-api/rest/1/ciitem/F29114ACA41A1C56E05316821FACAC2F",
"name": "ciitem",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/ci-rest-api/rest/1/ciitem/F29114ACA41A1C56E05316821FACAC2F",
"name": "ciitem",
"kind": "item"