- 27 Feb 2025
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Create an OM Competitor
- Updated on 27 Feb 2025
- 1 Minute to read
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Create OM Competitors
UI Location: Customer Relationship Management - Opportunity Management - Setup - Competitors
Basic authentication
The competitor name
💻 UI Fieldname: Name
Leave Blank
The unique identifier of the competitor
💻 UI Fieldname: * Code
A description of the competitor's strengths
💻 UI Fieldname: Strengths
Partner Type
The competitor's rating
💻 UI Fieldname: Rating
Last Update User
Last Update Date
A description of the competitor's threats
💻 UI Fieldname: Threats
Initial Create User ID
A contact, from table SYSCONTACT, associated with the competitor
The name of the competitor's product
💻 UI Fieldname: Product Name
A description of the competitor's opportunities
💻 UI Fieldname: Opportunities
A description of the competitor's weaknesses
💻 UI Fieldname: Weaknesses
Initial Create Date
"OmcCompetitorCode": "TEST",
"OmcName": "Test Competitor",
"OmcProductName": null,
"OmcStrengths": null,
"OmcWeaknesses": null,
"OmcRating": null,
"OmcPartnCode": null,
"OmcPartnTypeCode": null,
"OmcContactCode": null,
"OmcOpportunities": null,
"OmcThreats": null,
"OmcIuCreateDate": null,
"OmcIuCreateUser": null,
"OmcIuUpdateDate": null,
"OmcIuUpdateUser": null,
"OmcVUuid": "",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/om-rest-api/rest/1/omcompetitor/",
"name": "omcompetitor",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/om-rest-api/rest/1/omcompetitor/",
"name": "omcompetitor",
"kind": "item"