Retrieve Allvouchers By Code
- 28 Jan 2025
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Retrieve Allvouchers By Code
- Updated on 28 Jan 2025
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The AP Voucher API in CMiC allows you to quickly find AP voucher numbers, which are our internal reference numbers for accounts payable invoices. This API provides a comprehensive system for retrieving and managing voucher-related data within an Accounts Payable (AP) module. It also simplifies accounts payable management by linking internal voucher numbers with external vendor invoices, enabling efficient tracking and accurate reconciliation.
UI Navigation
Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Enter Vouchers
Reference Article
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
Voucher Number | System-generated unique voucher ID. Used throughout AP to identify and track the voucher. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers/101690 |
Query Standards
Key | Recommended | Description |
finder | Yes | Filters data based on attributes. See finder details below. Finders can be combined using a comma delimiter between parameters that implies an "and" statement. For more information on using the finder functionality please see Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
limit | Yes | A limit restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count, then the framework will return all available resources. For additional information on using the limit functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
offset | Yes | The offset skips a specified number of items in a data list before it starts showing results. For example, if you set an offset of 10, it skips the first 10 items and begins showing from the 11th item. For additional information on using Offset functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
orderBy | Yes | The orderBy attribute retrieves rows using an order ensuring the response payload displays data in the order supplied in the URL parameter using the GET method. For more information on using orderBy functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
apallvouchers Finders
Finder | Parameter | Data Type | Data Length | Description | Example |
PrimaryKey | VouNum | integer | 11 | Find a voucher by its voucher number | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=PrimaryKey;VouNum=14 |
VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder | CompCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Company Code to view the associated Outstanding Grand Amount for each voucher invoice. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder;CompCodeVar=QAT | |
VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder | ContCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Contract Code to view the associated Outstanding Grand Amount for each voucher invoice. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder;ContCodeVar=SC-001 | |
VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder | VendorCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Vendor Code to view the associated Outstanding Grand Amount for each voucher invoice. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder;VendorCodeVar=A1DOORS | |
VoucherFinder | CompCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Company Code to view the associated voucher invoices. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VoucherFinder;CompCodeVar=QAT | |
VoucherFinder | InvCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Vendor Invoice Number to view the associated voucher invoices. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VoucherFinder; InvCodeVar=AUG11-001 | |
VoucherFinder | VendorCodeVar | string | Find vouchers by specifying a Vendor Code to view the associated voucher invoices. | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VoucherFinder;VendorCodeVar=A1DOORS | |
VoucherFinder | VouNumVar | integer | Find a voucher by its voucher number | /ap-rest-api/rest/1/apallvouchers?finder=VoucherFinder;VouNumVar=133505 |
apallvouchers Attributes
CMiC UI Fieldname | Object | Name | Description | Type | Data Length | Examples |
Voucher Number | apallvouchers | VouNum | System-generated unique voucher ID. Used throughout AP to identify and track the voucher. | integer | 11 | 42261 |
Batch Number | apallvouchers | VouBchNum | The AP batch number to which this voucher belongs. In Enter Vouchers, batches group sets of vouchers. Users can create and manage batches before posting. | integer | 11 | 63789 |
Company Code | apallvouchers | VouCompCode | Company under which the voucher is recorded. Selected on the Enter Vouchers - Selection Criteria. | string | 8 | ABC12345 |
Transaction Code | apallvouchers | VouTranCode | Identifies the transaction type Helps distinguish vouchers from other AP transactions (e.g., adjustments, credit notes). Click here to see a full list of transaction codes. For AP Vouchers the Transaction Code is always “V” -Voucher Batch | string | 1 | "V" |
Vendor Code | apallvouchers | VouVenCode | Identifies the vendor providing goods/services. Must exist in the Vendor maintenance master or as a one-time vendor. | string | 8 | "MAESTRO" / "JACOB" |
Cash (Department) Code | apallvouchers | VouDeptCode | The cash department code associated with this voucher, used if no job or PO overrides the accounting distribution. This defaults from Set User defaults but can be changed by user accordingly. | string | 6 | 00 |
Cash Account Code | apallvouchers | VouCashAccCode | GL cash account associated with paying the voucher. In foreign currency scenarios, changing cash account can change the currency. This defaults from Set User defaults but can be changed by user accordingly. | string | 16 | 1000.100 |
Vendor’s Invoice Number | apallvouchers | VouInvCode | The invoice number is provided by the vendor. Primary reference for identifying and tracking the invoice in AP Voucher Entry. | string | 20 | "RFPINVOICE-001" / "86" / "88" |
Due Date | apallvouchers | VouDueDate | Payment due date based on invoice date and terms. Can be adjusted on Defaults tab. If left blank, can be calculated by “Due Days.” | datetime | 2016-04-20T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Discount Date | apallvouchers | VouDiscDate | Last date to take an early payment discount. Used to calculate discount eligibility during payment selection. | datetime | 2016-04-20T00:00:00-04:00 | |
PO (Purchase Order) Number | apallvouchers | VouPoNum | If voucher is linked to a single Purchase Order (PO), this field identifies that PO. If multiple POs, [PO Selection] button is used. | string | 11 | “PO-456”, “2398” |
Contract Code | apallvouchers | VouContCode | The contract (subcontract) code associated with the voucher, if applicable. Used for compliance, retainage rules, and pulling subcontract details. | string | 20 | SC-001 |
Change (Charge) Code | apallvouchers | VouChgCode | Identifies a cost/charge category for this voucher. Used to route costs to correct accounts if default distribution doesn’t suffice. | string | 6 | 000 |
Job Code | apallvouchers | VouJobCode | Identifies the job to which this voucher’s costs are allocated. In AP Voucher entry, J-type distributions require a job code to capture job-related expenses. Required for Subcontract invoices. | string | 10 | "SUSJOB01" / "No Job" |
Invoice Date | apallvouchers | VouInvDate | Date of the vendor’s invoice. In AP Voucher Entry, used to calculate due dates, discount dates, and may trigger currency exchange rate retrieval if configured. | datetime | 2016-04-20T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Invoice Amount | apallvouchers | VouInvAmt | Total invoice amount before retainage or discounts. In AP Voucher Entry, initially entered on the Voucher Detail tab and used for tax, retainage, and discount calculations. | number | 18 | “12852.14” / “860.6” / “256.81” |
No-Discount Amount | apallvouchers | VouNodiscAmt | Portion of the invoice amount excluded from discount calculations. Adjusting this recalculates discount-eligible amounts. | number | 18 | “25.50”/ ”0”/ “40.00” |
Discount Amount | apallvouchers | VouDiscAmt | Calculated discount based on terms. Adjusted on Defaults tab. When paying, the system decides if discount is taken. | number | 18 | “0” / “5.14” |
Retainage (Holdback Amount) | apallvouchers | VouHldbkAmt | Actual monetary holdback amount calculated based on retainage %. This amount is withheld until conditions are met for its release. | number | 18 | “1285.21” / “0” |
Total Tax Amount | apallvouchers | VouTaxAmt | Total tax calculated across all tax codes. Overridden on Defaults tab if required. | number | 18 | “0”, “20.50” |
Tax1 Retainage (Holdback) Amount | apallvouchers | VouTaxHldbkAmt | Amount of tax held back, common in VAT/GST retainage scenarios. Used in conjunction with retainage releases. | number | 18 | “0”, “20.50” |
Tax 2 Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax2Amt | Calculated amount of the second tax, influenced by tax code settings and invoice amounts. Adjusted as needed on the Defaults tab. | number | 18 | “0”, “20.50” |
Freight Amount | apallvouchers | VouFrtAmt | Freight charges included in the invoice. Tax application depends on tax code settings. Can be adjusted on the Defaults tab. | number | 10 | “0”, “20.50” |
Miscellaneous Amount | apallvouchers | VouMiscAmt | Additional charge amount (e.g., admin fee). Taxability depends on tax code’s ‘Misc’ setting. Entered/adjusted on Defaults tab. | number | 10 | “0”, “20.50” |
Terms Percentage | apallvouchers | VouTermPc | Percentage used for payment terms calculation (discounts/due dates). Defaults from vendor terms and can be overridden. | number | 16 | “0” , “2” |
Retainage (Holdback) Percentage | apallvouchers | VouHldbkPc | Percentage of the invoice amount retained as holdback. In AP, retainage is common in construction projects. Users can adjust retainage % on Defaults tab. | number | 20 | 36800 |
Tax 1 Code | apallvouchers | VouTax1Code | The first (primary) tax code applied to this voucher. Entered or defaulted (from Vendor maintenance) on Defaults tab. | string | 11 | |
Tax 2 Code | apallvouchers | VouTax2Code | The tax code for the second level of taxation. Set on the Defaults tab if multiple taxes are applied sequentially. | string | 11 | |
GST Holdback Code | apallvouchers | VouGsthldbkCode | Code indicating holdback configuration related to goods and services taxes (GST) or similar tax credit style taxes. Relevant in regions where tax holdbacks (retainage on tax) are managed. | string | 1 | G |
Tax Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouTaxDiscCode | Indicates if discount calculation includes tax amounts. “N” excludes tax from discount calculation, “Y” includes it. | string | 1 | “Y" / "N" |
Tax 2 Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouTax2DiscCode | Determines if discounts apply before/after Tax 2 calculation. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Freight Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouFrtDiscCode | Indicates if freight is subject to discount or special handling when calculating invoice totals. Freight handling affects total tax and distribution. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Misc. Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouMiscDiscCode | Indicates if miscellaneous charges are subject to discount. “N” means discount applies only to invoice amount, “Y” includes misc charges in discount calculation. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Description (Primary) | apallvouchers | VouDesc1 | Main description of the voucher, often referencing invoice specifics. Used on checks, payment advices, and reports. | string | 60 | "RFP Invoice # 1 - V12" / null |
Additional Description (Line 2) | apallvouchers | VouDesc2 | A second line of description to further clarify invoice purpose. Visible in voucher details and can appear on checks or reports. | string | 60 | |
Outstanding Invoice Amount | apallvouchers | VouInvOutstandAmt | Remaining unpaid amount of the invoice after previous payments. Updated as payments and adjustments occur. | number | 18 | 11566.93 |
Last Payment Amount | apallvouchers | VouLastPayAmt | The most recent payment amount made against this voucher. Will remain blank if no payments have been applied yet. | number | 18 | 4890.50 |
Voucher Status | apallvouchers | VouStatusCode | Status of the voucher (O=Open, V=Voided, etc.). Updated as voucher flows from entry to posting and beyond. | string | 1 | "O" / "V" |
Payment Code | apallvouchers | VouPayCode | Indicates payment method (e.g., B=Bank, C=Check, N=None). Adjusted on Defaults tab or per vendor settings. | string | 1 | "B" / "N" |
Currency Code | apallvouchers | VouCurrCode | Currency in which the invoice is entered. Changing this or the cash account on Defaults tab may prompt exchange rate recalculations. | string | 3 | "USD", “CAD” |
Holdback Paid | apallvouchers | VouHldbkPaid | Portion of the holdback already released/paid. Updated as retainage is released using tools like [Release Retainage]. | number | 11 | 1500.00 |
Discount Taken | apallvouchers | VouDiscTaken | Amount of discount already taken. Actual discount realization occurs during payment, though an "eligible discount" is set up upon voucher entry. | number | 11 | 145.00 |
Paid Amount | apallvouchers | VouPaidAmt | Amount already paid against this voucher. Updated after posting payments or rush checks. | number | 18 | 76.50 |
Posting Date | apallvouchers | VouPostDate | Date used to post the voucher to the GL. If currency rates depend on posting date, must be entered before saving. | datetime | 2016-01-21T00:00:00-05:00 | |
Currency Exchange Factor | apallvouchers | VouCurcFactorNum | Exchange factor for converting invoice amounts if foreign currency is used. Set when entering a foreign currency invoice. Defaults to the latest date from Exchange Rate Maintenance for the currency conversion. | number | 16 | 1 |
PO Print Code | apallvouchers | VouPoPrtCode | Indicates printing instructions for the associated PO. | string | 1 | |
Release Amount | apallvouchers | VouRlsAmt | The amount of retainage or related funds released in the release transaction. | number | 18 | |
Release Tax 1 Amount | apallvouchers | VouRlsTax1Amt | Tax 1 amount recognized upon holdback release. | number | 18 | |
Release Batch Number | apallvouchers | VouRlsBchNum | The batch number associated with the retainage release transaction. | integer | 11 | |
Release W Amount | apallvouchers | VouRlsWAmt | Amount related to withholding release during retainage release processes. | number | 18 | |
Release Invoice Code | apallvouchers | VouRlsInvCode | Invoice code associated with a retainage release transaction. | string | 20 | |
Release Number | apallvouchers | VouRlsNum | Identifier for a retainage release transaction. Allows tracking which release event freed the retainage. | integer | 11 | |
Functional Factor | apallvouchers | VouFuncFactorNum | Exchange rate factor used when dealing with foreign currency invoices. In AP, changing currency or cash account updates this factor. | number | 16 | |
Fiscal Code | apallvouchers | VouFiscalCode | Identifies a fiscal period or configuration. In AP, used for reporting or posting period determination. | string | 3 | |
Tax 3 Code | apallvouchers | VouTax3Code | Code for the third tax type. | string | 11 | |
Tax 3 Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax3Amt | Calculated Tax 3 amount. | number | 18 | 0 |
Tax 4 Code | apallvouchers | VouTax4Code | Code for the fourth tax type. | string | 11 | |
Tax 4 Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax4Amt | Calculated Tax 4 amount. | number | 18 | 0 |
Tax 5 Code | apallvouchers | VouTax5Code | Code representing the fifth tax type applied. | string | 11 | |
Tax 5 Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax5Amt | Calculated amount for Tax 5. | number | 18 | 0 |
Invoice Series Code | apallvouchers | VouInvSeriesCode | Code indicating an invoice series used for grouping and defaulting distribution settings. In AP, Invoice Series Codes can override default vendor distribution or apply specialized rules. | string | 4 | SUAP |
Shipping Location Code | apallvouchers | VouShplCode | Identifies a shipping location if invoice is for goods. If used, ties the voucher to logistics/shipping details. | string | 10 | |
PO Pick Flag | apallvouchers | VouPoPickFlag | Indicates if the PO lines have been “picked” for matching to invoice. The [PO Selection] button uses this to retrieve lines to match invoice amounts. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Entered Amount | apallvouchers | VouEnteredAmt | The amount initially entered for the voucher. Often matches the invoice amount before adjustments or overrides on the Defaults tab. | number | 18 | “12852.14” / “860.6” / “256.81” |
Tax 3 Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouTax3DiscCode | Determines if discounts affect Tax 3 calculations. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouTax4DiscCode | Determines if discount includes Tax 4. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 5 Discount Code | apallvouchers | VouTax5DiscCode | Determines if discount applies before/after Tax 5 calculation. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 1 Direct Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax1DirectFlag | Indicates if Tax 1 is direct-pay (remitted by company to government). If “N,” tax is passed to vendor. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 2 Direct Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax2DirectFlag | If “Y,” the user is responsible for remitting this tax directly to the government. If “N,” tax is paid to vendor. Similar concept applies to direct-pay tax codes. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 3 Direct Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax3DirectFlag | If “Y,” Tax 3 is a direct-pay tax. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Direct Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax4DirectFlag | If “Y,” Tax 4 is direct-pay. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 5 Direct Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax5DirectFlag | If “Y,” this tax is direct-pay. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 1 Inclusive Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax1IncFlag | If “Y,” Tax 1 is included in the entered invoice amount. If “N,” it is added to the invoice. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 2 Inclusive Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax2IncFlag | Indicates if Tax 2 is included in amounts. If “Y,” tax is embedded in entered amount rather than added on top. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 3 Inclusive Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax3IncFlag | If “Y,” Tax 3 is included. If “N,” added on top. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Inclusive Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax4IncFlag | If “Y,” Tax 4 is included in invoice amount. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 5 Inclusive Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax5IncFlag | If “Y,” Tax 5 is included in the invoice amount. If “N,” it’s added on top. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 1 Credit Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax1CreditFlag | If “Y,” this tax is creditable (e.g., recoverable VAT), meaning it won’t be a cost but tracked for recovery. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 2 Credit Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax2CreditFlag | Indicates if Tax 2 is creditable (e.g., recoverable VAT/GST). If “Y,” the taxed amount may appear in tax credit accounts rather than as an expense. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 3 Credit Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax3CreditFlag | If “Y,” Tax 3 is creditable. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Credit Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax4CreditFlag | If “Y,” Tax 4 is creditable tax. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 5 Credit Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax5CreditFlag | If “Y,” Tax 5 is creditable (recoverable). | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Operation Code | apallvouchers | VouOperationCode | Indicates a specific operational process linked to this voucher. Rarely edited in standard voucher entry. | string | 2 | |
Default Tax Source Code | apallvouchers | VouDfttaxFromCode | Indicates the source of default tax codes applied to voucher amounts. Useful when multiple tax setup sources exist. | string | 11 | |
Check Handling Code | apallvouchers | VouChqHandleCode | Special handling instructions for the printed check. | string | 8 | |
Discrete Check Flag | apallvouchers | VouDiscreteChqFlag | If “Y,” this voucher is paid on its own check, not combined with others in a single payment run. | string | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Memo Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoAmt | Non-posted (memo) voucher amount, typically used for preliminary or informational entry before the voucher is fully processed. | number | 18 | |
Memo Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoHldbkAmt | Non-posted (memo) holdback amount, representing preliminary holdback before officially recording it in the AP system. | number | 18 | |
Memo Tax Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTaxHldbkAmt | Non-posted memo amount for tax holdback. Used for preliminary calculations. | number | 18 | |
Original Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouOrigHldbkAmt | Original retainage/holdback amount set at voucher creation. Subsequent changes or releases adjust final holdback. | number | 18 | 1285.21 / 0 |
Original Tax Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouOrigTaxHldbkAmt | Initial tax holdback amount before adjustments. Reflects starting point for tax holdback calculations. | number | 18 | 1285.21 / 0 |
Remittance Description | apallvouchers | VouRemitDesc | Description printed on remittance advices to clarify payment details. | string | 60 | |
1099 Code | apallvouchers | Vou1099Code | US tax reporting code (e.g., for Form 1099). Defaults from vendor but can be changed if needed. Used for year-end reporting. | string | 1 | 3 |
Tax 2 Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax2HldbkAmt | Amount of Tax 2 held back. Applies in credit-style tax scenarios (e.g., VAT/GST) where holdbacks also affect tax portions. | number | 18 | 0 |
Release Tax 2 Amount | apallvouchers | VouRlsTax2Amt | Tax 2 amount recognized when holdback is released. | number | 18 | |
Tax 2 Holdback Code | apallvouchers | VouTax2HldbkCode | Code indicating holdback rules for Tax 2 amounts, if applicable in certain tax regimes. | string | 1 | G |
PO Release Number | apallvouchers | VouPoReleaseNum | Associated Purchase Order release number if this voucher is linked to a PO. When using [PO Selection] button, multiple PO lines may apply. | integer | 11 | |
Subcontractor Code | apallvouchers | VouSubcontrCode | Identifies the subcontractor if voucher is tied to a subcontract. Influences compliance checks, retainage rules, and distribution restrictions. | string | 20 | “NONE” |
Reversal Date | apallvouchers | VouRevDate | Date when the voucher was reversed, if applicable. Used for voided or reversed vouchers. | datetime | 2016-04-20T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Reversal Batch Number | apallvouchers | VouRevBchNum | Batch number associated with voucher reversal. Helpful for audit trails. | integer | 11 | “87” / “89” |
Draw Number | apallvouchers | VouDrawNum | Draw or application number if the voucher relates to a draw-based billing process. | Integer | 6 | 12 |
Release Date | apallvouchers | VouRlsDate | Date when retainage or related amounts were released. | Datetime | 2024-04-20T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Valuation From Date | apallvouchers | VouValuateFromDate | Start date of a valuation period for progressive billing. | Datetime | 2024-12-24T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Valuation To Date | apallvouchers | VouValuateToDate | End date of a valuation period if voucher relates to progressive valuation invoices. | Datetime | 2024-05-02T00:00:00-04:00 | |
Vendor Invoice Code | apallvouchers | VouVendorInvCode | Vendor’s own invoice reference, if different from InvCode. Often blank if InvCode is the primary reference. | String | 20 | Abcdefg98765 |
Shipping Order Seq. | apallvouchers | VouShipOraseq | Internal Oracle Sequence number relating the voucher to a shipping order receipt line. | Number | 123456789 | |
Multiple Control Job Flag | apallvouchers | VouMultiControlJobFlag | Indicates if multiple job distributions (or job controls) apply. 0=No Job, 1=Single Job, 2=Multi-Job, null is not yet determined. System defined number. | String | 1 | "0" or "1" or ”2” |
Payment Notes | apallvouchers | VouPayNotes | Internal notes for payment processing (e.g., rush check instructions). | String | 250 | “Payment Instructions as follows:” |
Registered Invoice Number | apallvouchers | VouRegInvNum | Identifies if voucher originated from a registered invoice. Using [Registration] button, a registered invoice can be converted into a voucher. | Integer | 11 | 1 |
Tax 1 Taxable Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax1TaxableAmt | Amount subject to Tax 1 calculation. Adjusted in Defaults tab of voucher entry, as needed. | Number | 18 | 12345.67 |
Tax 2 Taxable Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax2TaxableAmt | Amount subject to Tax 2 calculation. Adjusted in Defaults tab of voucher entry, as needed. | Number | 18 | 12345.67 |
Tax 3 Taxable Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax3TaxableAmt | Amount subject to Tax 3 calculation. Adjusted in Defaults tab of voucher entry, as needed. | Number | 18 | 12345.67 |
Image Filename | apallvouchers | VouImageFilename | Filename of a scanned or electronically attached invoice image associated with this voucher. In AP, images can be viewed for reference if integrated with Imaging/Document Management. | String | 255 | “ImageOfTheVendorInvoice.jpg” |
Skt Amount (Short-Term Disc.) | apallvouchers | VouSktAmt | Represents a special short-term discount amount or a specialized calculation field. If used, must be verified per your configuration. | Number | ||
Vendor Address Code | apallvouchers | VouVenAddCode | Address code of the vendor assigned to the voucher. For one-time vendors, created on the fly or selected from the available list during voucher entry | String | 5 | ADD1 |
SC Apply Batch Number | apallvouchers | VouScApplyBchNum | Batch number if subcontract utility to assign posted AP Voucher to a Subcontract was used | Integer | 11 | 12345 |
Voucher Hold Indicator | apallvouchers | VouHoldFlag | General hold indicator for the voucher. If enabled, voucher must be manually released before it can be paid. “Y” = Enabled, “N”= Disabled | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Job Company Code | apallvouchers | VouJobCompCode | The company code associated with the job this voucher is linked to. Relevant if distributing costs to a job in AP Voucher Entry. | String | 8 | SUS |
Release Tax 1 Code | apallvouchers | VouRlsTax1Code | Tax1 code applied during Tax 1 holdback release. | String | 11 | T1 |
Release Tax 2 Code | apallvouchers | VouRlsTax2Code | Tax2 code applied when releasing Tax 2 holdbacks. | String | 11 | T2 |
Subcontract Modified Flag | apallvouchers | VouScModifiedFlag | If “Y,” details from the associated subcontract have changed since the voucher’s entry. May require review or redistribution. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Subcontract Approved Flag | apallvouchers | VouScApprovedFlag | If “Y,” the voucher’s subcontract-related conditions are approved. If “N,” yet to be approved from SC RFP approval process | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Pay by Manual Check Flag | apallvouchers | VouPayByManualChqFlag | If “Y,” voucher will be excluded from automatic payment runs and paid via manual check. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Check Payee Name | apallvouchers | VouChqPayeeName | Alternate payee name for checks. If left blank, defaults to vendor name. Joint Payee functionality can be set on the Joint Payee tab. | String | 50 | “ZZ-ACME” |
Memo Tax 2 Holdback Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTax2HldbkAmt | Voucher memo calculatedTax2 hold back amount, when AP Control flag “Calculate Retainage On Tax2” is set as ‘Y’ | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Memo Tax Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTaxAmt | Voucher memo calculatedTax1 amount, when Tax1 code is assigned in the voucher | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Memo Tax 2 Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTax2Amt | Voucher memo calculatedTax2 amount, when Tax2 code is assigned in the voucher | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Memo Tax 3 Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTax3Amt | Voucher memo calculatedTax3 amount, when Tax3 code is assigned in the voucher | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Memo Tax 4 Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTax4Amt | Voucher memo calculatedTax4 amount, when Tax4 code is assigned in the voucher | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Memo Tax 5 Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoTax5Amt | Voucher memo calculatedTax5 amount, when Tax5 code is assigned in the voucher | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Prepaid Expense Amount | apallvouchers | VouPrepaidExpAmt | Amount recognized as prepaid expense rather than immediate expense. This is otherwise termed as deposit amount which can be applied to the vouchers in the future for the same vendor. | Number | 18 | 123456.00 |
Non-Zero Owed Comp/Vendor Code | apallvouchers | VouNonZeroOweCompVenCode | Indicates a scenario where a non-zero balance is owed to a vendor-company combination. Used for reporting and audit. | String | 16 | "SUS MAESTRO" |
Expense Department Code | apallvouchers | VouExpDeptCode | Department associated with the voucher’s expense. Affects GL distribution when using G-type distributions. | String | 6 | 00 |
Selected for Void Flag | apallvouchers | VouSelForVoidFlag | Indicates if the voucher has been flagged to be voided, in Void checks program, where there is an option to void the voucher along with the check. This flag must be used only when voiding a check that is related to AP Vouchers, but NOT SC RFP vouchers. | String | 1 | |
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) | apallvouchers | VouEftFlag | Indicates if the voucher is eligible for EFT payment. If “Y,” the voucher can be paid electronically rather than by check. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Taxable Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax4TaxableAmt | Amount subject to Tax 4. | Number | 18 | 100.99 |
Tax 5 Taxable Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax5TaxableAmt | Amount subject to Tax 5 calculation. | Number | 18 | 100.99 |
Tax 1 Taxable Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax1Taxable Flag | Indicates if Tax 1 applies. “Y” = applied, “N” = not applied. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 2 Taxable Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax2 Taxable Flag | Indicates if Tax 2 applies. “Y” = applied, “N” = not applied. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 3 Taxable Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax3 Taxable Flag | Indicates if Tax 3 applies. “Y” = applied, “N” = not applied. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 4 Taxable Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax4 Taxable Flag | Indicates if Tax 4 applies. “Y” = applied, “N” = not applied. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Tax 5 Taxable Flag | apallvouchers | VouTax5 Taxable Flag | Indicates if Tax 5 applies. “Y” = applied, “N” = not applied. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Record Status | apallvouchers | VouRecordStatus | Workflow or submission status (e.g., SUBMITTED, PENDING). Reflects the voucher’s position in approval/payment pipeline. | String | 16 | SUBMITTED |
Partner Code | apallvouchers | VouPartnCode | Identifies the vendor or partner supplying goods/services. Entered in Selection Criteria or Voucher Detail. | String | 8 | "A1SPEEDY" / "ZZ-ACME" |
Partner Type Code | apallvouchers | VouPartnTypeCode | Distinguishes vendor or partner type (e.g., C=Company P=Business Partner). | String | 1 | “C”/”P" |
Contact Code | apallvouchers | VouContactCode | Code identifying the vendor person of contact. | String | 10 | “DP” / “AL” |
Hold Payment Flag | apallvouchers | VouHoldPaymentFlag | Payment to be held until the owner payment is made. Also known as PWP functionality. "Y" indicates the payment is held, while an "N" indicates it is not. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Hold Payment Days | apallvouchers | VouHoldPaymentDays | Number of days payment should be held, when using PWP functionality. | Integer | 4 | 0 |
Originating Voucher Number | apallvouchers | VouOriginatingVouNum | The original voucher for the invoice that is being adjusted. This links back to the original voucher number. | Integer | 11 | 123456 |
Split by Application Code | apallvouchers | VouSplitByApplCode | Indicates if voucher splitting is triggered by certain application rules (e.g., by subcontract application split vouchers feature). “AP” =Accounts Payable module “SC” = Subcontracts module | String | 2 | Null or “AP”/ “SC” |
Split Group Number | apallvouchers | VouSplitGroupNum | The system generated unique number that identifies the group of vouchers that was split. For internal tracking. | Number | 177489 | |
SC Master Job Code | apallvouchers | VouScmstJobCode | Job code related to the subcontract | String | 10 | SUSJOB01" |
Duplicate Invoice ID | apallvouchers | VouDuplicateId | The system generated unique ID for duplicate "Vou_Ven_Code, Vou_Comp_Code, Vou_Inv_Code" | String | 4 | 0012 |
Contract Exceed Hold Flag | apallvouchers | VouContExceedHoldFlag | Indicates if holdback applies when contracted amounts are exceeded. Relevant for subcontract or PO-based vouchers. | String | 1 | "Y” / “N" |
Unposted Pay Code Override | apallvouchers | VouUnpostedPayCodeOverride | Voucher Status if overridden by user at the time of entering the voucher. “E” = Express or “N” = Normal. Default Is Null | String | 1 | “E” / “N” |
Revision Number | apallvouchers | VouRevisionNum | Revision Number: Filled when automatically generating the voucher from Job Billing program, when request for payment from Billing Invoice feature is enabled | Integer | 3 | 001 |
Separate Billing Ref. Code | apallvouchers | VouSeparateBillingRefCode | Code indicating separate billing references for this invoice, useful if breaking out invoice portions differently on billing. | String | 10 | Ref1 |
Created by Job Process Flag | apallvouchers | VouCreatedByJbFlag | Indicates whether the voucher is generated automatically by Job Billing. This is a system assigned value. “Y” = Automatically generated, “N" | string | 1 | “Y” / “N” |
Source Type Code | apallvouchers | VouSourceTypeCode | Identifies the source module/type if this voucher was created from (e.g., EQP, MAT). Null value means a standard Invoice. “EQP” = Equipment Module, “Mat” = Material Sales Module. | string | 3 | Null or “EQP’”/ “MAT” |
Source From Date | apallvouchers | VouSourceFromDate | Start date of an application source period | datetime | 2024-12-31T11:33:43-05:00 | |
Source To Date | apallvouchers | VouSourceToDate | End date of an application source period | datetime | 2024-12-30T11:33:43-05:00 | |
Source Object Sequence | apallvouchers | VouSourceObjectOraseq | For EQP type invoice, this field contains the equipment oraseq (eme_eqp_oraseq). This is a system generated value associated with an equipment upon creation. | number | ||
Creation Date | apallvouchers | VouIuCreateDate | Timestamp when the voucher was initially created. Used in audit trails and history inquiries. | Datetime | 2024-12-22T11:33:43-05:00 | |
Created By User | apallvouchers | VouIuCreateUser | Login user who created the voucher. Used for audit trails and history inquiries. | String | 30 | "SMUSER6" / "AL1" |
Last Update Date | apallvouchers | VouIuUpdateDate | Timestamp of the last update to the voucher, used for audit tracking. | Datetime | 2024-12-14T11:34:47-05:00 | |
Last Updated By User | apallvouchers | VouIuUpdateUser | User who last updated the voucher, used for audit tracking. | String | 30 | "SMUSER6" / "AL1" |
Unposted RFP Info | apallvouchers | VouUnpostedRfpInfo | System created Info on unposted Requests for Payment (RFP) linked to this voucher. This field is cleared once the RFP is posted. | String | 60 | “CCCA1SPEEDYCONT1001” |
Prior-Year Tax Voucher Flag | apallvouchers | VouPyTaxVoucherFlag | Indicates whether the voucher is related to tax adjustments, with "Y" denoting it is related and "N" denoting it is not. | String | 1 | “Y” / “N” |
Pre-Lien Complete Pay Code | apallvouchers | VouPrelienComplPayCode | Code indicating prelien compliance for payment issuance. If needed, compliance checks performed via [Compliance] button. | String | 1 | |
Original Batch Number | apallvouchers | VouOrigBchNum | This column is used to store the orignal batch number when multiple RFP batch selection feature is used | Integer | 11 | |
Partial Approved Amount | apallvouchers | VouPartialApprovedAmt | Amount partially approved if partial invoice approvals are used before full payment. | Number | 18 | 12456.99 |
Memo Discount Amount | apallvouchers | VouMemoDiscAmt | Memo discount amount. The amount is updated by the system when the memo batch is posted. | Number | 18 | 12456.99 |
Approver 1 | apallvouchers | VouAppr1 | User associated with the workflow approval. Updated by the system when workflow approval is required. | String | 30 | "SMUSER6" / "AL1" |
Approver 2 | apallvouchers | VouAppr2 | User associated with the workflow approval 2. Updated by the system when workflow approval is required | String | 30 | "SMUSER6" / "AL1" |
Original Amount | apallvouchers | VouOrigAmt | For Imaging / flysheet pay request entries- the original invoice amount. | Number | 18 | 123456.78 |
Routing Job | apallvouchers | VouRoutJob | A job code used for routing workflows or approvals related to this voucher. | String | 10 | JOB1 |
Third-Party Pay Code | apallvouchers | VouTppayCode | Code indicates a third-party payment arrangement. A valid code defined by the system | String | 2 | “B”, “H”, etc. |
Tax 1 Holdback Adj. Amount | apallvouchers | VouTax1HldbkAdjAmt | Adjustment to Tax 1 holdback if applying VAT/GST with retainage. | Number | 18 | 123456.78 |
Tax 2 Holdback Adjustment Amt | apallvouchers | VouTax2HldbkAdjAmt | Adjustment to Tax 2 holdback amounts if retainage or tax recalculations occur. | Number | 18 | 123456.78 |
CIS Applicable Amount | apallvouchers | VouCisApplicableAmt | Amount subject to CIS/RTC deductions. | Number | 18 | 123456.78 |
CIS Payable Amount | apallvouchers | VouCisPayableAmt | Amount payable under CIS/RTC rules if applicable. | Number | 18 | 123456.78 |
Tax Treatment Percentage | apallvouchers | VouTaxTreatmentPercent | CIS/RTC Tax Treatment Percentage | Number | 8 | 10.75 |
Self-Billed Subcontract Flag | apallvouchers | VouScSelfBilledFlag | If “Y,” the voucher is generated by a self-billing process by the subcontract vendor. If "N," the voucher is not generated through self-billing. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Final RFP Flag | apallvouchers | VouFinalRfpFlag | Indicates if this voucher represents a final Request for Payment (RFP). If “Y,” no further requests will be processed for this Subcontract | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Third-Party Paymode Type Code | apallvouchers | VouTpPaymodeTypeCode | Code for a third-party payment mode if paying vendor through a third party. Paymode Payment Types, Valid Values Are ( C = Check, R = Credit Card , A = ACH ) | String | 3 | “C” or “R” or “A” |
Distribution Type Code | apallvouchers | VouDistTypeCode | Distribution Type Code. Valid values are G (General Distribution), J (Job Distribution), M (Multi Distribution) | String | 1 | "G", “J”, “M” |
Cost Code | apallvouchers | VouCostCode | Job cost code used in J-type distributions. Determined by the voucher’s job-related details. | String | 16 | 01-100 |
Category Code | apallvouchers | VouCatCode | Voucher category for ‘J’ Distributions related to the Job/Cost Code combination | String | 16 | “L”, “S”, or “1000” |
Department Account | apallvouchers | VouDeptAcct | GL account related to the voucher. Used for G-type distributions | String | 16 | 5000.100 |
Invoice Holdback Tax Flag | apallvouchers | VouInvHldbkTaxFlag | “Y” indicates that tax will be calculated on the net amount, and tax on retainage will be calculated at the time of retainage release, using the current tax percentage. “N” indicates that tax will not follow this calculation method. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
CIS Percentage | apallvouchers | VouCisPc | Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)/(RTC) percentage if applicable. Primarily used in UK region for CIS/RTC tax withholding. | Number | 20 | 10.75 |
Importing Goods Indicator | apallvouchers | VouImportingGoodsFlag | Indicates if goods are imported. May affect tax treatments or compliance checks in AP Voucher Entry, depending on configuration. “Y”= Goods are Imported, “N” = Goods are not imported. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Distribution Dept. Code | apallvouchers | VouDeptCodeDist | Department Code for the Voucher Distribution Lines | String | 6 | 00 |
Prior-Year IRS Tax Type | apallvouchers | VouPyIrsTaxType | (Optional) Type of IRS tax applicable in a prior year scenario. | String | 5 | |
Prior-Year IRS Tax Info ID | apallvouchers | VouPyIrsTaxInfoId | (Optional) Identifier for related prior-year tax info records. | String | 5 | |
Prior-Year IRS Tax Period End Date | apallvouchers | VouPyIrsTaxPerEndDate | (Optional) End date of the tax period for a prior-year IRS adjustment. | Datetime | 2024-12-14T11:34:47-05:00 | |
Discount Allocation Method | apallvouchers | VouDiscAllocMethCode | The Discount Allocation Method Code specifies the allocation method: ‘A’ = Accounts Payable Department/Account, ‘G’ = Job Department/Account, ‘J’ = Job Cost/Category. | String | 1 | "A", “G”, or “J” |
Resale Information | apallvouchers | VouResaleInfo | Good Resale Information. “R” = Goods For Resale, “N” = Goods Not For Resale, or NULL | String | 1 | “R”, “N”, or Null |
Import Information | apallvouchers | VouImportInfo | Import Information; “G” = Goods From Other EU Countries, “S” = Services From Other EU Countries, NULL | String | 1 | “G”, “S” or Null |
Nature of Services | apallvouchers | VouNatureOfServices | Describes type of services provided by vendor. Useful for compliance or reporting. | String | 100 | abcdefg2345 |
Contractor Preliminary Flag | apallvouchers | VouContractorPrelimFlag | This Will Allow User To Enter The RCT Deduction Percent Without Any Warning Message If It Is Not Allowed. Y" allows it and "N" does not | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Material Invoice Indicator | apallvouchers | VouMaterialInvFlag | Indicates whether the invoice is related to materials. Valid values are "Y" (yes) or "N" (no), with the default being "N." | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Backcharge Invoice Flag | apallvouchers | VouBchrgInvFlag | Indicates if the invoice is a backcharge. Backcharges may require special handling in AP and Job Cost if reversing costs back to a vendor or subcontractor. | String | 1 | "Y" / "Null" |
Discount Percentage | apallvouchers | VouDiscPc | Discount percentage offered by vendor. Affects discount amount calculation. Adjusted on Defaults tab. | Number | 20 | 5.75 |
Created By Manual Check Flag | apallvouchers | VouCreatedByManchqFlag | Indicates whether the voucher is automatically generated by a manual cheque: "Y" = Yes, automatically generated; "N" = No, not automatically generated. | String | 1 | "Y" / "N" |
Account Description | apallvouchers | VouAcctDescription | G/L account description associated with a distribution line. | string | 500 | abcd12345 |
Type basic
Basic authentication
Query parameters
ExampleVoucherFinder; CompCodeVar=001,InvCodeVar=14.002,VendorCodeVar=1382, VouNumVar=101690
Successful Response - Finder - VoucherFinder
"items": [
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"VouMemoHldbkAmt": null,
"VouMemoDiscAmt": null,
"VouMemoAmt": null,
"VouMaterialInvFlag": null,
"VouLastPayAmt": 4806,
"VouJobCompCode": null,
"VouJobCode": "No Job",
"VouInvSeriesCode": null,
"VouInvOutstandAmt": 0,
"VouInvHldbkTaxFlag": "N",
"VouInvDate": "2014-12-01",
"VouInvCode": "14.002",
"VouInvAmt": 5340,
"VouImportInfo": null,
"VouImportingGoodsFlag": "N",
"VouImageFilename": null,
"VouHoldPaymentFlag": "N",
"VouHoldPaymentDays": null,
"VouHoldFlag": "N",
"VouHldbkPc": 10,
"VouHldbkPaid": 0,
"VouHldbkAmt": 534,
"VouGsthldbkCode": "G",
"VouFuncFactorNum": null,
"VouFrtDiscCode": "N",
"VouFrtAmt": null,
"VouFiscalCode": null,
"VouFinalRfpFlag": "N",
"VouExpDeptCode": null,
"VouEnteredAmt": 5340,
"VouEftFlag": null,
"VouDuplicateId": null,
"VouDueDate": "2014-12-31",
"VouDrawNum": null,
"VouDistTypeCode": "G",
"VouDiscTaken": 0,
"VouDiscPc": null,
"VouDiscDate": "2014-12-01",
"VouDiscAmt": 0,
"VouDiscAllocMethCode": "A",
"VouDiscreteChqFlag": "N",
"VouDfttaxFromCode": null,
"VouDesc2": null,
"VouDesc1": "Equipment rentals - November, 2014",
"VouDeptCodeDist": "050",
"VouDeptCode": "00",
"VouDeptAcct": "66020",
"VouCurrCode": "USD",
"VouCurcFactorNum": 1,
"VouCreatedByJbFlag": null,
"VouCostCode": null,
"VouContExceedHoldFlag": "N",
"VouContCode": null,
"VouContractorPrelimFlag": null,
"VouContactCode": "BG",
"VouCompCode": "001",
"VouCisPc": null,
"VouCisPayableAmt": null,
"VouCisApplicableAmt": null,
"VouChqPayeeName": null,
"VouChqHandleCode": null,
"VouChgCode": null,
"VouCatCode": null,
"VouCashAccCode": "10001",
"VouBchNum": 57065,
"VouBchrgInvFlag": null,
"VouAppr2": null,
"VouAppr1": null,
"Vou1099Code": "X",
"VouTax2TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax2IncFlag": "N",
"VouTax2HldbkCode": "G",
"VouTax2HldbkAmt": 0,
"VouTax2HldbkAdjAmt": null,
"VouTax2DiscCode": "N",
"VouTax2DirectFlag": "N",
"VouTax2CreditFlag": "N",
"VouTax2Code": null,
"VouTax2Amt": 0,
"VouTax1TaxableFlag": "N",
"VouTax1TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax1IncFlag": "N",
"VouTax1HldbkAdjAmt": null,
"VouTax1DirectFlag": "N",
"VouTax1CreditFlag": "N",
"VouTax1Code": null,
"VouSubcontrCode": null,
"VouStatusCode": "C",
"VouSplitGroupNum": null,
"VouSplitByApplCode": null,
"VouSourceTypeCode": null,
"VouSourceToDate": null,
"VouSourceObjectOraseq": null,
"VouSourceFromDate": null,
"VouSktAmt": null,
"VouShplCode": null,
"VouShipOraseq": null,
"VouSeparateBillingRefCode": null,
"VouSelForVoidFlag": null,
"VouScSelfBilledFlag": null,
"VouScModifiedFlag": "N",
"VouScApprovedFlag": "N",
"VouScApplyBchNum": null,
"VouScmstJobCode": null,
"VouRoutJob": null,
"VouRlsWAmt": null,
"VouRlsTax2Code": null,
"VouRlsTax2Amt": null,
"VouRlsTax1Code": null,
"VouRlsTax1Amt": null,
"VouRlsNum": null,
"VouRlsInvCode": null,
"VouRlsDate": null,
"VouRlsBchNum": null,
"VouRlsAmt": null,
"VouRevDate": null,
"VouRevBchNum": null,
"VouRevisionNum": null,
"VouResaleInfo": null,
"VouRemitDesc": null,
"VouRegInvNum": null,
"VouRecordStatus": "SUBMITTED",
"VouPyTaxVoucherFlag": null,
"VouPyIrsTaxType": null,
"VouPyIrsTaxPerEndDate": null,
"VouPyIrsTaxInfoId": null,
"VouPrepaidExpAmt": null,
"VouPrelienComplPayCode": null,
"VouPoReleaseNum": null,
"VouPoPrtCode": null,
"VouPoPickFlag": null,
"VouPoNum": null,
"VouPostDate": "2014-12-01",
"VouPayNotes": null,
"VouPayCode": "N",
"VouPayByManualChqFlag": "N",
"VouPartnTypeCode": "C",
"VouPartnCode": "HIKUU",
"VouPartialApprovedAmt": null,
"VouPaidAmt": 4806,
"VouOrigTaxHldbkAmt": 0,
"VouOrigHldbkAmt": 534,
"VouOrigBchNum": null,
"VouOrigAmt": null,
"VouOriginatingVouNum": null,
"VouOperationCode": null,
"VouNum": 101690,
"VouNonZeroOweCompVenCode": null,
"VouNodiscAmt": 534,
"VouNatureOfServices": null,
"VouMultiControlJobFlag": "0",
"VouMiscDiscCode": "N",
"VouMiscAmt": null,
"VouMemoTaxHldbkAmt": null,
"VouMemoTaxAmt": null,
"VouMemoTax5Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax4Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax3Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax2HldbkAmt": null,
"VouIuUpdateUser": "ADWAIT",
"VouIuUpdateDate": "2016-03-09T20:09:34Z",
"VouIuCreateUser": "BILL",
"VouIuCreateDate": "2015-05-08T16:21:32Z",
"VouVenCode": "1382",
"VouVenAddCode": null,
"VouVendorInvCode": null,
"VouValuateToDate": null,
"VouValuateFromDate": null,
"VouUnpostedRfpInfo": null,
"VouUnpostedPayCodeOverride": null,
"VouTranCode": "V",
"VouTpPaymodeTypeCode": null,
"VouTppayCode": null,
"VouTermPc": 0,
"VouTaxTreatmentPercent": null,
"VouTaxHldbkAmt": 0,
"VouTaxDiscCode": "N",
"VouTaxAmt": 0,
"VouTax5TaxableFlag": "N",
"VouTax5TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax5IncFlag": "N",
"VouTax5DiscCode": "N",
"VouTax5DirectFlag": "N",
"VouTax5CreditFlag": "N",
"VouTax5Code": null,
"VouTax5Amt": 0,
"VouTax4TaxableFlag": "N",
"VouTax4TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax4IncFlag": "N",
"VouTax4DiscCode": "N",
"VouTax4DirectFlag": "N",
"VouTax4CreditFlag": "N",
"VouTax4Code": null,
"VouTax4Amt": 0,
"VouTax3TaxableFlag": "N",
"VouTax3TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax3IncFlag": "N",
"VouTax3DiscCode": "N",
"VouTax3DirectFlag": "N",
"VouTax3CreditFlag": "N",
"VouTax3Code": null,
"VouTax3Amt": 0,
"VouTax2TaxableFlag": "N",
"VouCreatedByManchqFlag": null,
"VouAcctDescription": null,
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Successful Response - Finder - VouInvOutGrandAmtFinder
"items": [
"VouMemoTax2Amt": null,
"VouMemoHldbkAmt": null,
"VouMemoDiscAmt": null,
"VouMemoAmt": null,
"VouMaterialInvFlag": null,
"VouLastPayAmt": 4806,
"VouJobCompCode": null,
"VouJobCode": "No Job",
"VouInvSeriesCode": null,
"VouInvOutstandAmt": 0,
"VouInvHldbkTaxFlag": "N",
"VouInvDate": "2014-12-01",
"VouInvCode": "14.002",
"VouInvAmt": 5340,
"VouImportInfo": null,
"VouImportingGoodsFlag": "N",
"VouImageFilename": null,
"VouHoldPaymentFlag": "N",
"VouHoldPaymentDays": null,
"VouHoldFlag": "N",
"VouHldbkPc": 10,
"VouHldbkPaid": 0,
"VouHldbkAmt": 534,
"VouGsthldbkCode": "G",
"VouFuncFactorNum": null,
"VouFrtDiscCode": "N",
"VouFrtAmt": null,
"VouFiscalCode": null,
"VouFinalRfpFlag": "N",
"VouExpDeptCode": null,
"VouEnteredAmt": 5340,
"VouEftFlag": null,
"VouDuplicateId": null,
"VouDueDate": "2014-12-31",
"VouDrawNum": null,
"VouDistTypeCode": "G",
"VouDiscTaken": 0,
"VouDiscPc": null,
"VouDiscDate": "2014-12-01",
"VouDiscAmt": 0,
"VouDiscAllocMethCode": "A",
"VouDiscreteChqFlag": "N",
"VouDfttaxFromCode": null,
"VouDesc2": null,
"VouDesc1": "Equipment rentals - November, 2014",
"VouDeptCodeDist": "050",
"VouDeptCode": "00",
"VouDeptAcct": "66020",
"VouCurrCode": "USD",
"VouCurcFactorNum": 1,
"VouCreatedByJbFlag": null,
"VouCostCode": null,
"VouContExceedHoldFlag": "N",
"VouContCode": null,
"VouContractorPrelimFlag": null,
"VouContactCode": "BG",
"VouCompCode": "001",
"VouCisPc": null,
"VouCisPayableAmt": null,
"VouCisApplicableAmt": null,
"VouChqPayeeName": null,
"VouChqHandleCode": null,
"VouChgCode": null,
"VouCatCode": null,
"VouCashAccCode": "10001",
"VouBchNum": 57065,
"VouBchrgInvFlag": null,
"VouAppr2": null,
"VouAppr1": null,
"Vou1099Code": "X",
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