Retrieve BP Address By Code
- 12 Feb 2025
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Retrieve BP Address By Code
- Updated on 12 Feb 2025
- 17 Minutes to read
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This endpoint contains the address details for business partners in CMiC. The term 'business partner' encompasses Vendors, Customers, and other relevant entities.
UI Navigation
Financials > Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Business Partners
Reference Article
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
/VUUID | The VUuid attribute is the Unique row ID | /sys-rest-api/rest/1/bpaddresses/BF1E63D248F2569AE053B08610AC1750 |
Query Standards
Key | Recommended | Description |
finder | Yes | Filters data based on attributes. See finder details below. Finders can be combined using a comma delimiter between parameters that implies an "and" statement. For more information on using the finder functionality please see Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
limit | Yes | A limit restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count, then the framework will return all available resources. For additional information on using the limit functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
offset | Yes | The offset skips a specified number of items in a data list before it starts showing results. For example, if you set an offset of 10, it skips the first 10 items and begins showing from the 11th item. For additional information on using Offset functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
orderBy | Yes | The orderBy attribute retrieves rows using an order ensuring the response payload displays data in the order supplied in the URL parameter using the GET method. For more information on using orderBy functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements |
bpaddresses Finders
Finder | Parameter | Data Type | Data Length | Description | Example |
PrimaryKey | BpadVUuid | string | 64 | This is an optional finder for querying a specific equipment rate by row ID. | /sys-rest-api/rest/1/bpaddresses/BF1E63D248F2569AE053B08610AC1750 |
selectByBPCode | businessPartner | string | This finder allows you to filter results based on the Business Partner code (BpadBpCode). | selectByBPCode; businessPartner=ZZ-ACME | |
selectByBPCodeAddress | Partner Code, addressType | string | This finder allows you to filter results based on both the Business Partner Code (BpadBpCode) and the addressType (BpadAddTypeCode) | /sys-rest-api/rest/1/bpaddresses?finder=selectByBPCodeAddress; businessPartner=ZZ-ACME, addressType=TOR | |
selectByBPDate | Bpdate | datetime | This finder is designed to help you locate business partners by specifying the last update date (BpadIuUpdateDate). When you use this finder, it will display results for business partners whose details have been updated from the entered date onwards. | /sys-rest-api/rest/1/bpaddresses?finder=selectByBPDate; Bpdate=2019-12-20 |
bpaddresses Attributes
CMiC UI Fieldname | Object | Name | Description | Type | Data Length | Example |
Primary Address (Checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadAddPrimaryFlag | Indicates whether the address is designated as the primary address for the business partner. Set to "Y" for Yes (primary) and "N" for No (not primary). | string | 1 | Y |
Address Code | bpaddresses | BpadAddTypeCode | Assigns a unique code identifying each address record within the bpaddresses object, enabling differentiation between various addresses of a given business partner. It corresponds to the Address Code field in the Business Partner Maintenance screen. This code will automatically be converted to uppercase on insert. | string | 5 | MAIN |
Business Partner Code | bpaddresses | BpadBpCode | Represents the unique code pre-assigned to a business partner within the CMiC system. This field serves as Key Value 1 in the Business Partner Maintenance screen, ensuring each business entity is distinctly identifiable within the system. | string | 8 | 001ST |
Address Line 1 | bpaddresses | BpadAdd1 | Contains the first line of the business partner's address. This typically includes the street address or PO Box number. | string | 40 | 4800 keele st |
Active (checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadActiveFlag | Indicates the current status of the address record. Check this box if the address is active or current. Set to "Y" to mark the address as active. Set to "N" to mark the address as inactive. | string | 1 | Y |
Address Line 2 | bpaddresses | BpadAdd2 | Address line 2 contains additional address information. Typically used for suite or apartment numbers. | string | 40 | 100 |
Address Line 3 | bpaddresses | BpadAdd3 | Address line 3 contains additional address line informaiton. Typically used for the city or township of the address | string | 40 | Chicago |
Add Email | bpaddresses | BpadAddEmail | Stores the email address of the main contanct associated with the business partner address. | string | 80 | |
Fax | bpaddresses | BpadAddFax | Stores the fax number for the business partner address record. | string | 20 | (239) 555-5000 |
Address Name | bpaddresses | BpadAddName | Provides a descriptive name or label for the address, aiding in easy identification of the address among multiple addresses associated with a business partner. Example names include "Secondary BP Address Info". | string | 30 | Shipping Address |
Phone | bpaddresses | BpadAddPhone | Stores the primary phone number for the a given address. | string | 20 | 323-418-3559 |
Phone 2 | bpaddresses | BpadAddPhone2 | Contains an alternate phone number for the business partner's address, providing an additional contact option if needed. | string | 20 | (239) 555-3333 |
Bill To (checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadBillToFlag | Indicates whether items are billed to the address for the business partner. Set to "Y" to indicate that items are billed to the billing address. | string | 1 | Y |
Business Partner Name | bpaddresses | BpadBpName | The name of the business partner specified under BpadBPCode | string | 50 | null |
Business Parner Vendor Name | bpaddresses | BpadBpVenName | Enter the Business Partner AP Vendor Name. This name is the name used throughout the system, wherever business partner (vendor or customer) objects are available. This field is next to the Business Partner Code and serves as Key Value 2 in the Business Partner Maintenance screen. | string | 50 | Aetna Insurance |
Company Code | bpaddresses | BpadCompCode | The company code of the business partner assigned in the system this address belongs to. | string | 8 | ZZ |
Company Name | bpaddresses | BpadCompName | The Name of the company specified under BpadCompCode | string | 30 | Supreme Utilitarian Selections |
Attention (ie. Contact Name) | bpaddresses | BpadContactName | The name of the primary contact associated with the business partner's address. | string | 50 | Rob Cementer |
Country | bpaddresses | BpadCountry | The country where the business partner's address is located. | string | 30 | USA |
Create Date | bpaddresses | BpadIuCreateDate | Create Date - The timestamp indicating when the address record was created for the cost code in a job through an update. | datetime | 2016-10-19T11:12:32-04:00 | |
Create User | bpaddresses | BpadIuCreateUser | The username of the individual who created the address record. This field aids in auditing and tracking changes within the system. | string | 30 | LORIGIB |
Update Date | bpaddresses | BpadIuUpdateDate | Update Date - The timestamp indicating the last time the address record was updated. An example of an Integration Update is "2024-10-23T10:49:35-04:00" which shows the last update times. | datetime | 2024-01-24T06:58:29-05:00 | |
Update User | bpaddresses | BpadIuUpdateUser | The username of the individual who last updated the address record. Essential for auditing and understanding who made recent changes to the record. | string | 30 | SHAMROCK |
OM Only (checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadOmOnlyFlag | Signifies if this address should only be used within the opportunity module. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is only available in Opportunity Management only. | string | 1 | N |
Order From (Checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadOrderFromFlag | Specifies whether orders can be placed from this address. Set to "Y" to enable order placement, or "N" to disable. | string | 1 | Y |
Postal Code | bpaddresses | BpadPostalCode | The postal or ZIP code corresponding to the business partner's address. | string | 12 | 10025 |
Region Code | bpaddresses | BpadRegionCode | The regional code (state or province) that corresponds to the business partner's address,. | string | 3 | IL |
Remit To (checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadRemitToFlag | Indicates whether payments should be remitted to this address. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is used for remittance purposes, or "N" for No. | string | 1 | N |
Ship To (checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadShipToFlag | Specifies whether shipments should be sent to this address. Set to "Y" for Yes, meaning this address is used for shipping purposes, or "N" for No. | string | 1 | Y |
VUUID | bpaddresses | BpadVUuid | A UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). A 128-bit unique identifier used to identify a business partner address row. Can we used to query a previously created business partner record. | string | 64 | B46794D108F9CF54E0530100007F8E27 |
Primary Address (Checkbox) | bpaddresses | BpadAddPrimaryFlag | Indicates whether the address is designated as the primary address for the business partner. Set to "Y" for Yes (primary) and "N" for No (not primary). | string | 1 | Y |
Address Code | bpaddresses | BpadAddTypeCode | Assigns a unique code identifying each address record within the bpaddresses object, enabling differentiation between various addresses of a given business partner. It corresponds to the Address Code field in the Business Partner Maintenance screen. This code will automatically be converted to uppercase on insert. | string | 5 | MAIN |
Business Parner Code | bpaddresses | BpadBpCode | Represents the unique code pre-assigned to a business partner within the CMiC system. This field serves as Key Value 1 in the Business Partner Maintenance screen, ensuring each business entity is distinctly identifiable within the system. | string | 8 | 001ST |
Type basic
Basic authentication
Query parameters
ExampleselectByBPCodeAddress; businessPartner=AGM001, addressType=NY, Bpdate=2015-04-23T16:47:18-04:00
Successful Response - Finder - selectByBPDate
"items": [
"BpadActiveFlag": "Y",
"BpadAdd1": "100 Bay Street",
"BpadAdd2": null,
"BpadAdd3": "Toront",
"BpadAddEmail": "",
"BpadAddFax": "499 229 1119",
"BpadAddName": "Head Office",
"BpadAddPhone": null,
"BpadAddPhone2": "220 339 3392",
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "A1",
"BpadBillToFlag": null,
"BpadBpCode": "71",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Smith and Co Construction",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": "Steve Cangiano",
"BpadCountry": "Canada",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2015-07-21T13:47:08Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "ADWAIT",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": "2020-01-29T13:32:22Z",
"BpadIuUpdateUser": "CHET",
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": null,
"BpadPostalCode": "L4N32K",
"BpadRegionCode": "ON",
"BpadRemitToFlag": null,
"BpadShipToFlag": null,
"BpadVUuid": "BD8E16DC69EF2691E05316821FAC4947",
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"BpadAdd1": "1000 new jersey way",
"BpadAdd2": null,
"BpadAdd3": null,
"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "New Jersey",
"BpadAddPhone": null,
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "NJ",
"BpadBillToFlag": "Y",
"BpadBpCode": "KAISER",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Kaiser Permanente",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": null,
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-02-12T18:22:05Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "ADWAIT",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
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"BpadPostalCode": null,
"BpadRegionCode": "NJ",
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"BpadShipToFlag": "Y",
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"BpadActiveFlag": "Y",
"BpadAdd1": "15 Warden Ave",
"BpadAdd2": "02",
"BpadAdd3": "Rosemount",
"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "Rosemount Office",
"BpadAddPhone": "301-222-5555",
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "207",
"BpadBillToFlag": "N",
"BpadBpCode": "010116",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Reliable Contractors",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": "Accounting Department",
"BpadCountry": "usa",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-04-11T19:06:47Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": "2016-04-11T19:09:35Z",
"BpadIuUpdateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": "N",
"BpadPostalCode": "62020",
"BpadRegionCode": "IL",
"BpadRemitToFlag": "N",
"BpadShipToFlag": "N",
"BpadVUuid": "BD8E16DC6BE62691E05316821FAC4947",
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"BpadActiveFlag": "Y",
"BpadAdd1": "125 Rosefield",
"BpadAdd2": "1",
"BpadAdd3": "Rosemount",
"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "Rosemount Office",
"BpadAddPhone": "302-255-5555",
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "208",
"BpadBillToFlag": "N",
"BpadBpCode": "013016",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Maddamy Builders",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": "Accounting",
"BpadCountry": "usa",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-04-11T19:17:05Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": "N",
"BpadPostalCode": "60220",
"BpadRegionCode": "IL",
"BpadRemitToFlag": "N",
"BpadShipToFlag": "N",
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"BpadAdd1": "5th Avenue",
"BpadAdd2": "1",
"BpadAdd3": "New York",
"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "Hilton HQ",
"BpadAddPhone": "313-252-2000",
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "H01",
"BpadBillToFlag": "Y",
"BpadBpCode": "HHO001",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Hilton Hotels Inc.",
"BpadCompCode": "002",
"BpadCompName": "Fresenius Medical Care",
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": "USA",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-10-28T14:31:49Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": "N",
"BpadPostalCode": "10001",
"BpadRegionCode": "NY",
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"BpadAdd2": null,
"BpadAdd3": "Ottawa",
"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": null,
"BpadAddPhone": null,
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "0212",
"BpadBillToFlag": "Y",
"BpadBpCode": "0212",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Materials and Supply Co.",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": null,
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-10-28T14:39:20Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": "2016-10-28T14:43:54Z",
"BpadIuUpdateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": "Y",
"BpadPostalCode": null,
"BpadRegionCode": "ON",
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"BpadAdd1": "55 Rideau Street",
"BpadAdd2": null,
"BpadAdd3": "Ottawa",
"BpadAddEmail": "",
"BpadAddFax": "613-552-5151",
"BpadAddName": "Downtown Location",
"BpadAddPhone": "613-552-5252",
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "1001",
"BpadBillToFlag": "Y",
"BpadBpCode": "0001-10-01T00:00:00Z",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Sun Life Group",
"BpadCompCode": "HIKUU",
"BpadCompName": "CMiC Construction Canada Ltd.",
"BpadContactName": "Accounting",
"BpadCountry": "Canada",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2016-11-25T16:13:54Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": "Y",
"BpadPostalCode": "K2B8G2",
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"BpadShipToFlag": "Y",
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"BpadAdd2": "101",
"BpadAdd3": "Ottawa",
"BpadAddEmail": "",
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "Accounts Payable",
"BpadAddPhone": "613-523-1000",
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "01",
"BpadBillToFlag": "Y",
"BpadBpCode": "1020",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "King Edward Residence",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": "Accounts Payable",
"BpadCountry": "CANADA",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2017-02-03T14:09:39Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "CANDICE",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
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"BpadName3": null,
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"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
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"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "112-Fourth Avenue SW, P.O.Box ",
"BpadAddPhone": null,
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "PRI",
"BpadBillToFlag": null,
"BpadBpCode": "45300",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Sancar Energy Inc. namee",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": "Canada",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2021-08-09T13:28:52Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "FIELDPOINTUSER",
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"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
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"BpadName3": null,
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"BpadAdd1": "124 Test St.",
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"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "124 Test St., , ",
"BpadAddPhone": null,
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"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "N",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "Add",
"BpadBillToFlag": null,
"BpadBpCode": "45300",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Sancar Energy Inc. namee",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": "Canada",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2021-08-09T14:00:14Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "FIELDPOINTUSER",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
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"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
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"BpadPostalCode": null,
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"BpadAdd1": "125 Test St.",
"BpadAdd2": null,
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"BpadAddEmail": null,
"BpadAddFax": null,
"BpadAddName": "125 Test St., , ",
"BpadAddPhone": null,
"BpadAddPhone2": null,
"BpadAddPrimaryFlag": "Y",
"BpadAddTypeCode": "Ad2",
"BpadBillToFlag": null,
"BpadBpCode": "45300",
"BpadBpName": null,
"BpadBpVenName": "Sancar Energy Inc. namee",
"BpadCompCode": null,
"BpadCompName": null,
"BpadContactName": null,
"BpadCountry": "Canada",
"BpadIuCreateDate": "2021-08-11T00:46:46Z",
"BpadIuCreateUser": "FIELDPOINTUSER",
"BpadIuUpdateDate": null,
"BpadIuUpdateUser": null,
"BpadName2": null,
"BpadName3": null,
"BpadName4": null,
"BpadOmOnlyFlag": "N",
"BpadOrderFromFlag": null,
"BpadPostalCode": null,
"BpadRegionCode": null,
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"BpadActiveFlag": "Y",
"BpadAdd1": "123 Test1 St.",
"BpadAdd2": null,
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