Retrieve GL Ledgers By Code
    • 06 Jan 2025
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    Retrieve GL Ledgers By Code

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    Article summary



    This endpoint allows for the retrieval of General Ledger (GL) records by their unique ledger code. The General Ledger is designed to maintain comprehensive financial records, including companies, departments, and accounts


    To efficiently query this view, it is essential to use finders, as the view supports querying only through primary keys such as 'company code' and 'account code'. This design ensures precise and targeted data retrieval based on key identifiers

    UI Navigation

    Financial > General Ledger

    Reference Article


    Query Standards

    finderYesFilters data based on attributes. See finder details below. Finders can be combined using a comma delimiter between parameters that implies an "and" statement. For more information on using the finder functionality please see Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements
    limitYesA limit restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count, then the framework will return all available resources. For additional information on using the limit functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements
    offsetYesThe offset skips a specified number of items in a data list before it starts showing results. For example, if you set an offset of 10, it skips the first 10 items and begins showing from the 11th item. For additional information on using Offset functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements
    orderByYesThe orderBy attribute retrieves rows using an order ensuring the response payload displays data in the order supplied in the URL parameter using the GET method. For more information on using orderBy functionality please visit Best Practice | Data Filtering requirements

    rtigledgerwithyearperiod Finders

    FinderParameterData TypeData LengthDescriptionExample
    glSummaryauditDatedatetimeFind specific records for a specific audit date. This finder will retrieve records that have an audit date on or after the specified date. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code, From Account Code, and Fiscal Year/glrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000, fiscalYear=2024, auditDate=2024-12-12
    glSummarycompanyCodestringFind specific records for a given company based on the Company Code. Must be used in tandem with the From Account Code, and Fiscal Year/glrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000, fiscalYear=2024
    glSummarydepartmentCodestringFind specific records based on the department code. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code, From Account Code, and Fiscal Year/glrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;departmentCode=50, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000, fiscalYear=2024
    glSummaryfiscalPeriodstringFind specific records based on the Fiscal Period. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code, From Account Code, and Fiscal Year/glrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;fiscalPeriod=4, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000, fiscalYear=2024
    glSummaryfiscalQuarterstringFind specific records based on the Fiscal Quarter. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code, From Account Code, and Fiscal Year/glrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;fiscalQuarter=1, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000, fiscalYear=2023
    glSummaryfiscalYearstringFind specific records based on the Fiscal Year. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code and the From Account Codeglrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;fiscalYear=2023, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000
    glSummaryfromAccountCodestringFind specific records based on the From Account Code. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code and Fiscal Yearglrestapi/rest/v1/rtigledgerwithyearperiod?finder=glSummary;fiscalYear=2023, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=1000
    glSummarytoAccountCodestringFind specific records based on the To Account Field. Must be used in tandem with the Company Code, From Account Code, and Fiscal YearglSummary;toAccountCode=400, companyCode=ZZ, fromAccountCode=100, fiscalYear=2023

    rtigledgerwithyearperiod Attributes

    CMiC UI FieldnameObjectNameDescriptionTypeData LengthExamples
    Account CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlAccCodeThe General Ledger (GL) account code to which this transaction line item is posted. Used to identify the specific G/L account in the chart of accounts.string1650040
    Account DescriptionrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlAcctDescriptionA descriptive name for the GL account. Helps users recognize the account’s purpose in inquiries and reports. This is a description field can be found on different programs header record in different modules like AP, AR, PO, SC RFP to indentify the type of transactionsstring500
    Adjustment PeriodrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlAdjPerThe period number dedicated to adjustment entries (e.g., period 13 for year-end adjustments). Used primarily in year-end closing or audit adjustments.integer2
    Adjustment Transaction FlagrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlAdjTransFlagIndicates whether the line is part of an adjustment transaction created by the currency evaluation program (e.g., "Y") or a regular transaction ("N"). This helps distinguish between normal postings and special adjusting entries.string1Y
    Adjustment YearrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlAdjYrThe fiscal year used for adjustment postings if different from the standard fiscal year. Supports year-end adjustments that occur after the main year has closed.integer42024
    AmountrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlAmtThe net amount of the transaction line. Whether this represents a debit or credit depends on the associated Debit/Credit fields. Critical for financial balances and reporting.number1821824
    Batch NumberrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlBchNumThe batch number associated with this transaction. Batches group transactions for posting and audit control. Useful for tracking the posting process and reviewing unposted or posted batches.integer155730280
    Company CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlCompCodeThe CMiC company code under which this transaction was recorded. Enables multi-company accounting by segregating ledgers per company/entity.string81
    Credit AmountrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlCreditAmtThe credit portion of this transaction line if applicable. If populated, it indicates the amount credited to the specified G/L account.number18
    Currency CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlCurrCodeThe currency in which the transaction was recorded. Important for multi-currency environments, enabling currency-specific inquiries and consolidation.string3USD
    Debit AmountrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlDebitAmtThe debit portion of this transaction line if applicable. If populated, it indicates the amount debited to the specified G/L account.number18
    Department CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlDeptCodeDepartment identifier if the G/L account is departmentalized. Facilitates departmental reporting and cost center analysis.string6113
    Data Source CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlDsrcCodeA code indicating the origin of the transaction (e.g., a particular sub-module). Useful for tracing back transactions to their source system or process. Examples include SC-Subcontract; AP-Accounts Payable; JC-Job Cost; JB-Job Billing; PY-Payroll; AR-Accounts Receivablestring2EM
    Fiscal PeriodrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlFiscalPeriodThe fiscal period number (e.g., 1 to 12) in which the transaction is posted. Essential for period-based reporting (monthly, quarterly, or yearly).integer21
    Fiscal QuarterrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlFiscalQuarterThe fiscal quarter (1 through 4) associated with the posting period. Aids in quarterly financial analysis and statutory reporting.number1
    Fiscal YearrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlFiscalYearThe fiscal year the transaction belongs to. Key for annual reporting, budgeting, and year-to-date analyses.integer42022
    Invoice DatertigledgerwithyearperiodGlInvDateThis date is used to get the correct reporting currency conversion rate when amounts are being recalculated by balance recalculation programdatetime
    Job CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlJobCodepopulated from the journal line transaction, a job code if related to job costing. Integrates with Job Cost module to track expenses/income at the project level.string1051188
    NumberrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlNumThe line transaction for this ledger line item. Used to link multiple detail lines to a single record or to reference back to source documents. This number is unique per batch.integer113918624
    Oracle SequencertigledgerwithyearperiodGlOraseqAn oraseq is a number (an oracle sequence) that uniquely describes this transaction line item and the specified module. This is a unique line sequence number.number1.08E+09
    Post DatertigledgerwithyearperiodGlPostDateThe date the transaction was committed to the G/L. Determines when the transaction officially affects financial statements and period balances.datetime2022-01-31T00:00:00-05:00
    Reference CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlRefCodeA user-defined reference or document number associated with the transaction. Helpful for cross-referencing checks, invoices, or other documents for reconciliation.string2551188
    Source CodertigledgerwithyearperiodGlSrcCodeA descriptive code providing context about the source or nature of the transaction. Useful for inquiry screens and reports to understand the transaction’s purpose.string161001.01
    Source DescriptionrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlSrcDescA descriptive field providing context about the source or nature of the transaction. Useful for inquiry screens and reports to understand the transaction’s purpose. Frequently used to include information regarding vendor codes and customer codes.string30CAT Excavator 336
    Transaction NumberrtigledgerwithyearperiodGlTransNumA numeric identifier assigned by the system linking this entry to a particular transaction event. This number is unique per batch. It can be used to group multiple line items into one logical transaction for audit or reporting purposes.integer11118
    Transaction TypertigledgerwithyearperiodGlTransTypeA code indicating the type of transaction (e.g., JE = Journal Entry, AP = Accounts Payable). Classifies transactions to streamline reporting and inquiries. Transacion Type (ENTRY or PAYMENT) used in Exchange Rate function to determine ratesstring7
    Type basic

    Basic authentication

    Query parameters

    Successful response