- 12 Feb 2025
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Create a PY Employee Pay History
- Updated on 12 Feb 2025
- 14 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Create Employee Pay History
Basic authentication
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCompCode
Identify the Pay Run Code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPrnCode
Identify the Year related to the Pay
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPprYear
Indentify the Pay Period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPprPeriod
Indentify the Sub Pay Period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPprSubPeriod
The unique identifier of an employee
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpNo
The system generated Sequence Number per Employee per Pay Period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhySeqNo
The Date from Employee worked during current Pay Period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpDeptCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpDeptCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpCrAccCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpCrAccCode
The Company for whom Employee worked during transaction period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWorkCompCode
The type of Line that is entered. Either G" or J
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDataType
The working Department of the Employee
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDeptCode
The respected GL A/C Code for posting of calculated amount to GL
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmplrContrAccCode
The respected GL A/C Code for posting of calculated amount to GL
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyGlAccCode
The Job Code assigned to the Employee
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyJob
The Job Phase on which the Employee worked
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPhase
The Job Category on which employee worked
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCategory
The respected Equipment Number
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipment
The Equipment Category if applicable
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipCategory
The Equipment Transaction Number if applicable
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipTranNo
The Rate applied to calculate the cost for a piece of equipment
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHrlyEquipRate
The Union Code for whom the Employee worked durint Transaction pe
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUnionCode
The Trade Code being used during calculation
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTradeCode
The Work Location of Employee for the calculated Transaction
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWorkLocation
The predefined Type to identify the type of Transaction like "BN"
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTranType
The respected Code for which the calculations are made
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTranCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTranDesc
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTranShortDesc
The Quantity used for Amount calculation if applicable
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyQuantity
The Quantity used for Amount calculation if applicable
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHrsWorked
The Rate applied to calculate the Amount for a Coe and its Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHrsPaid
The Rate applied to calculate the Amount for a Coe and its Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPayRate
The Rate applied to calculate the Amount for a Coe and its Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyChargeOutRate
The Rate applied to calculate the Amount for a Coe and its Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyBillingRate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRateCode
The calculated Amount against the Code and its respective Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmplrContr
The calculated Amount against the Code and its respective Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyAmount
The calculated Amount against the Code and its respective Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPayAmount
The calculated Amount against the Code and its respective Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipmentCost
The calculated Amount against the Code and its respective Type
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyGrossEarning
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmplrContrFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyAdjustment
The Batch Number referencing to the GL
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyBatchNum
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyProcessFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyChequeSeqNumber
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyChequeVoidDate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHireFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxtypeFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRetpayFlag
Used to join to PYEMPSALADJ, PYEMPTIMSHT, PYEMPEXPSHTto decide which tables process flag to nullify in CHECK VOIDING.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActivateSeq
The Date the data was posted
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPostDate
The name of the user who made the last update
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUser
Date and Time stamp of the last update
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyLastUpdDate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyGlpostFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDrDeptCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmplrContrDeptCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUpdateBchFlag
Charge Out Amount
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyChargeOutAmt
Bill Amount
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyBillingAmt
Work Order Code.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWoCode
Work Item Number.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWitmLineNumber
Work Order Expense Code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWoExpCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTavCode1
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTavCode2
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTavCode3
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTavCode4
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWbsvCode1
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWbsvCode2
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWbsvCode3
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWbsvCode4
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRedistributedBurdenFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTshAfterChksFlag
Flag to indicate whether input transactions were retained after checks were voided
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRetainTransactions
Employee`s work location GeoCode.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWorkGeocode
Employee`s residence location GeoCode.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyResidenceGeocode
Pay date sets on table PYCOMPAYPRD as PPR_PAY_DATE.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPayDate
Expected post date, sets on table PYCOMPPAYPRD as PPR_POSTING_DATE.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyExpectedPostDate
Month Number.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyMonthNumber
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualPeriod
Flag to indicate whether this transaction was the actual transaction which was adjusted during redistribution of costs. (Y)es or (N)o
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyOriginalTransaction
Date referrening to Period from which wages and burdens were redistributed
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRefDate
Description referrening to Period from which wages and burdens were redistributed
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRefDesc
Sequence number to identify the original job from which the cost was transferred
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyMasterSeq
Sequence number to identify the job to which the cost was transferred
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDetailSeq
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyManualChkProc
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyManualChkCrAccCode
Plan Code For The Transacation. Applicable Only To Benefits And Deductions.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPlanCode
The Option Against The Plan For The Transaction. Applicable Only To Benefits And Deductions.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPloCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWcbCode
Flag to indicate whether the transaction originated from a receivable - (Y)es, (R)eturned i.e. extra amount was received and the extra amount was returned back
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyReceivableFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUiFromMidyearForm
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpType
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpPygCode
Flag to mention, expense has been entered from expense claim entry.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyExpClaimFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVendor
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyComment
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyApvoucherCreatedFlag
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUserTypeCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWoTranType
Flag to indicate whether the transaction originated from a loan receivable - G is for with GL entried, W is for without GL, N is normal adjustment and R is returned if an excess amount was paid against loan.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCreateGlFlag
Public Liability Code.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPlCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyWcbPolicyNo
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPlcPolicyNo
Pay date when checks have been printed. For void check reverse transactions, it is the check void date (ie. void effective date).
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualPayDate
Job phase code for the piece of equipment. It can be different from the phase to which time is being charged.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipPhsCode
Field to enter Equipment Hours.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpHours
Field to enter equipment charge rate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpChargeRate
Field to enter equipment bill rate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpBillRate
Field to enter equipment charge amt
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpChargeAmt
Field to enter equipment bill amt
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpBillAmt
Field to enter wm code for equipment.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpHrlyWmCode
Field to enter Equipment Job category.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEqpJccatCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxCode1
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxPercent1
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxAmt1
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxCode2
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxPercent2
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxAmt2
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxCode3
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxPercent3
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTaxAmt3
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyTotalTaxCreditAmt
Actual Start Date For Expense Entered From E-Expense. Automatically Populated By E-Expense When Expense Approved
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyExpStartDate
Actual End Date For Expense Entered From E-Expense. Automatically Populated By E-Expense When Expense Approved
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyExpEndDate
Feild to populate the SUI work location from employee profile
💻 UI Fieldname: PhySuiWrlCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPostDateChangeDate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyChgPayrateForJobTsh
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyAssignedCheckNum
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPrintCheckOnly
Payroll Salary Debit account code setup on employee profile. It will be populate at the time of timesheet posting
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyClearingDbAccCode
Payroll Salary Debit department code setup on employee profile. It will be populate at the time of timesheet posting
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyClearingDbDeptCode
Transfer labor costs WC/PL recalculate flag ie. column pyredistribute_batch_emp.rbe_recal_wcpl
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRedistRecalWcpl
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEmpEiCode
Shift code. Null means unspecified, or D/E/N for Day/Evening/Night shift.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyShiftCode
Check location code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCklocCode
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVendorAddCode
Y/null. Y indicates a reversal transaction created by the void check program.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVoidckReversalFlag
Correct NULL PHY_ACTUAL_PAY_DATE for paid transactions from payroll 2006 onwards; and subsequently by trigger. See version script 0789197.sql.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualPayDateFixFlag
Prevailing wage rate.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPrevailingWageRate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCalculatedEarnings
Federal Reporting Jurisdiction: null=not yet determined, *=proper US/CA, GU=Guam,...,see PYFEDTERR.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyFedJurisdiction
This is the Reference Check Number
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRefCheckNum
This is the Actual Date that Employee Worked on
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualWorkDate
Employee normal base union pay rate.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyStdUnionPayRate
Crew Code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyDocumentNo
N: Record will be excluded from the Certified Payroll Report
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyInclCertPyRepFlag
Rate code multiplier from table column Pypayrcd.rcd_prem_multiplier.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRatecdMultiplier
Rate code premium per hour from table column Pypayrcd.rcd_prem_per_hour_amt.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRatecdHrlyPrem
Base pay rate to use in determining prevailing wage rate differential. Currently equivalent to phy_pay_rate less the hourly premium and multiplier.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwBasePayRate
Prevailing wage job-trade calculated payroll fringe rate (per hr worked).
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwFringePayrollRate
Prevailing wage job-trade contract fringe rate (per hr worked).
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwFringeContractRate
Apply overtime premium on contract fringe rate (Y/N/null).
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwFringeOtPremFlag
Calculated prevailing wage differential rate.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwDiffRate
Calculated prevailing wage differential amount.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwDiffAmount
Calculated prevailing wage differential destination benefit code.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwDiffDestBen
Prevailing wage differential calculation done (Y/null). Y also indicates that this BW/LE line is a prevailing wage job-trade.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwDiffCalcDone
Y/null: Indicates whether this benefit (BN) line contains the prevailing wage differential.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwDifferentialBenFlag
Prevailing wage job company for Mechanics/Truckers who work on equipments or deliver materials to a PW job but whose labor is costed against the equipment/trucking job.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwCompCode
Prevailing wage job code for Mechanics/Truckers who work on equipments or deliver materials to a PW job but whose labor is costed against the equipment/trucking job.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyPwJobCode
Equipment location code.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyEquipLocCode
Job code for cost pooling burdens. Blank if not applicable.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCostPoolJob
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualWcbCode
Employee Home company at the time of processing payroll
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHomeCompCode
Employee Home department at the time of processing payroll
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyHomeDeptCode
Store The Leave Taken Year Based On The Timesheet Date
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyLeaveTakenTmshtYear
Employee Leave Calculation Period Start Date
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyLevCalcDate
Employee Leave Calculation Method
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyLevCalcMethod
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyActualPlCode
United Kingdom PAYE tax code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUkPayeTaxCode
United Kingdom NIC category code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyUkNicCategory
Vertex Employee Resident PSD Codes Based On The Vertex Geocode And School District Code Of The Employee
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVertexPsdcode
Field Is Used When COST ALLOCATION ON EQUIPMENT WORKORDER Alternative Feature Is Installed; Indicates That The Record Is Already Posted To Avoid Duplicate Entry When Repost The Same Period
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyCostAllocPostedFlag
Vertex School District Code
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVertexSchdist
PY Salary Adjustment Benefit Accrual Paid-out Sequence Number
💻 UI Fieldname: PhySadAccrualPaidoutOraseq
Ireland PAYE exclusion order flag (Y/N/null).
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIePayeExclusionFlag
Ireland PAYE/USC Calculation Method: C=Cumulative, 1=Week/Month 1, E=Emergency, T=Temporary
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIePayeCalcMethod
Ireland PRSI subclass for employee.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIePrsiSubclassEe
Ireland PRSI subclass for employer.
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIePrsiSubclassEr
Only for Information purpose-Indicate whether input transactions were retained after checks were voided
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyRetainTransactionsInfo
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIuCreateDate
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIuUpdateDate
Unique Row ID
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyVUuid
💻 UI Fieldname: PhyIuLastUpdateDate
"PhyActivateSeq": null,
"PhyActualPayDate": null,
"PhyActualPayDateFixFlag": null,
"PhyActualPeriod": null,
"PhyActualPlCode": null,
"PhyActualWcbCode": null,
"PhyActualWorkDate": null,
"PhyAdjustment": null,
"PhyAmount": null,
"PhyApvoucherCreatedFlag": null,
"PhyAssignedCheckNum": null,
"PhyBatchNum": null,
"PhyBillingAmt": null,
"PhyBillingRate": null,
"PhyCalculatedEarnings": null,
"PhyCategory": null,
"PhyChargeOutAmt": null,
"PhyChargeOutRate": null,
"PhyChequeSeqNumber": null,
"PhyChequeVoidDate": null,
"PhyChgPayrateForJobTsh": null,
"PhyCklocCode": null,
"PhyClearingDbAccCode": null,
"PhyClearingDbDeptCode": null,
"PhyComment": null,
"PhyCompCode": "001",
"PhyCostAllocPostedFlag": null,
"PhyCostPoolJob": null,
"PhyCreateGlFlag": null,
"PhyDataType": null,
"PhyDate": null,
"PhyDeptCode": null,
"PhyDetailSeq": null,
"PhyDocumentNo": null,
"PhyDrDeptCode": null,
"PhyEmpCrAccCode": null,
"PhyEmpDeptCode": null,
"PhyEmpEiCode": null,
"PhyEmpNo": "04538",
"PhyEmpPygCode": null,
"PhyEmpType": null,
"PhyEmplrContr": null,
"PhyEmplrContrAccCode": null,
"PhyEmplrContrDeptCode": null,
"PhyEmplrContrFlag": null,
"PhyEqpBillAmt": null,
"PhyEqpBillRate": null,
"PhyEqpChargeAmt": null,
"PhyEqpChargeRate": null,
"PhyEqpCrAccCode": null,
"PhyEqpDeptCode": null,
"PhyEqpHours": null,
"PhyEqpHrlyWmCode": null,
"PhyEqpJccatCode": null,
"PhyEquipCategory": null,
"PhyEquipLocCode": null,
"PhyEquipPhsCode": null,
"PhyEquipTranNo": null,
"PhyEquipment": null,
"PhyEquipmentCost": null,
"PhyExpClaimFlag": null,
"PhyExpEndDate": null,
"PhyExpStartDate": null,
"PhyExpectedPostDate": null,
"PhyFedJurisdiction": null,
"PhyGlAccCode": null,
"PhyGlpostFlag": null,
"PhyGrossEarning": null,
"PhyHireFlag": null,
"PhyHomeCompCode": null,
"PhyHomeDeptCode": null,
"PhyHrlyEquipRate": null,
"PhyHrsPaid": null,
"PhyHrsWorked": null,
"PhyIePayeCalcMethod": null,
"PhyIePayeExclusionFlag": null,
"PhyIePrsiSubclassEe": null,
"PhyIePrsiSubclassEr": null,
"PhyInclCertPyRepFlag": null,
"PhyJob": null,
"PhyLastUpdDate": "2015-05-22T21:40:46Z",
"PhyLeaveTakenTmshtYear": null,
"PhyLevCalcDate": null,
"PhyLevCalcMethod": null,
"PhyManualChkCrAccCode": null,
"PhyManualChkProc": null,
"PhyMasterSeq": null,
"PhyMonthNumber": null,
"PhyOriginalTransaction": null,
"PhyPayAmount": null,
"PhyPayDate": "2015-01-07",
"PhyPayRate": null,
"PhyPhase": null,
"PhyPlCode": null,
"PhyPlanCode": null,
"PhyPlcPolicyNo": null,
"PhyPloCode": null,
"PhyPostDate": null,
"PhyPostDateChangeDate": null,
"PhyPprPeriod": 1,
"PhyPprYear": 2015,
"PhyPrevailingWageRate": null,
"PhyPrintCheckOnly": null,
"PhyPrnCode": "WK",
"PhyProcessFlag": null,
"PhyPwBasePayRate": null,
"PhyPwCompCode": null,
"PhyPwDiffAmount": null,
"PhyPwDiffCalcDone": null,
"PhyPwDiffDestBen": null,
"PhyPwDiffRate": null,
"PhyPwDifferentialBenFlag": null,
"PhyPwFringeContractRate": null,
"PhyPwFringeOtPremFlag": null,
"PhyPwFringePayrollRate": null,
"PhyPwJobCode": null,
"PhyQuantity": null,
"PhyRateCode": null,
"PhyRatecdHrlyPrem": null,
"PhyRatecdMultiplier": null,
"PhyReceivableFlag": null,
"PhyRedistRecalWcpl": null,
"PhyRedistributedBurdenFlag": null,
"PhyRefCheckNum": null,
"PhyRefDate": null,
"PhyRefDesc": null,
"PhyResidenceGeocode": null,
"PhyRetainTransactions": null,
"PhyRetainTransactionsInfo": null,
"PhyRetpayFlag": null,
"PhySeqNo": 365440,
"PhyShiftCode": null,
"PhyStdUnionPayRate": null,
"PhySuiWrlCode": null,
"PhyTavCode1": null,
"PhyTavCode2": null,
"PhyTavCode3": null,
"PhyTavCode4": null,
"PhyTaxAmt1": null,
"PhyTaxAmt2": null,
"PhyTaxAmt3": null,
"PhyTaxCode1": null,
"PhyTaxCode2": null,
"PhyTaxCode3": null,
"PhyTaxPercent1": null,
"PhyTaxPercent2": null,
"PhyTaxPercent3": null,
"PhyTaxtypeFlag": null,
"PhyTotalTaxCreditAmt": null,
"PhyTradeCode": null,
"PhyTranCode": "NWHR",
"PhyTranType": "BW",
"PhyTshAfterChksFlag": null,
"PhyUiFromMidyearForm": null,
"PhyUkNicCategory": null,
"PhyUkPayeTaxCode": null,
"PhyUnionCode": null,
"PhyUpdateBchFlag": null,
"PhyUser": "BILL",
"PhyUserTypeCode": null,
"PhyVendor": null,
"PhyVendorAddCode": null,
"PhyVertexPsdcode": null,
"PhyVertexSchdist": null,
"PhyVoidckReversalFlag": null,
"PhyWbsvCode1": null,
"PhyWbsvCode2": null,
"PhyWbsvCode3": null,
"PhyWbsvCode4": null,
"PhyWcbCode": null,
"PhyWcbPolicyNo": null,
"PhyWitmLineNumber": null,
"PhyWoCode": null,
"PhyWoExpCode": null,
"PhyWoTranType": null,
"PhyWorkCompCode": null,
"PhyWorkGeocode": null,
"PhyWorkLocation": null,
"PhyIuCreateDate": null,
"PhyIuUpdateDate": null,
"PhyVUuid": "F2A198EBE3123688E05316821FACE54A",
"PhyIuLastUpdateDate": null,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pyemppayhist/F2A198EBE3123688E05316821FACE54A",
"name": "pyemppayhist",
"kind": "item"
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"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pyemppayhist/F2A198EBE3123688E05316821FACE54A",
"name": "pyemppayhist",
"kind": "item"