- 12 Feb 2025
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Create a PY Employee Pay Split
- Updated on 12 Feb 2025
- 2 Minutes to read
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Create Employee Pay Splits
UI Location: Human Capital Management - US Payroll - Setup - Employees - Direct Deposit and Check Accounts
Basic authentication
Bank Code - If Direct Deposit, this must be a valid bank code already set up in CMiC.
💻 UI Fieldname: Bank
Company Code
Unique uuid of row
Userwho last updated this record.
Priority - Prioritize each detail line by employee. (Use 1,2,3, etc.). Each Company/Employee/Priority number combination must be unique. The amounts will be calculated in priority sequence.
💻 UI Fieldname: * Priority
Date when the record was last updated.
Employee Code - Must be valid employee already set up in CMiC.
Transaction Code Corresponding To The Transaction Type. Can Either Be A Benefit, Leave Or Expense Code. ALL is a valid option. ALL means all benefit, leave and expense codes. Can Only Be Populated If ess_split_method IS NULL And The ess_tran_type IS NOT NULL
💻 UI Fieldname: Tran Code
Bank Account Number - If Direct Deposit, this is the employee's actual bank account number.
Split Type 'D' - Direct Deposit 'C' - Check
💻 UI Fieldname: * Split Type
ACH Transaction Code - If Direct Deposit, this must be a valid “Normal†ACH Tran Code already set up in CMiC.
Methodof Salary Deposit - This determines how you will be splitting pay amounts if you choose to do so. 'P' - Percentage split 'F' - Flat Amount split
Percentage/Flat Amount - If the Method of Salary Deposit (ESS_EMP_SAL_SPLIT_TYPE) is 'P' for Percentage then you must enter the split percentage into this field. If using percentages, the percentages must add up to 100%. If the split type is 'F' for Flat Amount, then you must enter the amount into this field. If Split Method (ESS_SPLIT_METHOD) is 'A' for Advanced, leave this field null.
💻 UI Fieldname: Percent/ Flat Amount
Transaction Type. Can Only Be Either Of The Following: BN - Benefit, LE - Leaves Or EX - Expense. ALL is a valid option. ALL means all benefits, leaves and expenses. Can Only Be Populated If ess_split_method IS NULL.
💻 UI Fieldname: Tran Type
Split Method. Valid Values Are (A)dvanced and (B)asic. Advanced Means ess_tran_type And ess_tran_code Must Be Filled In. Basic Means ess_tran_type and ess_tran_code Are Not Available.
💻 UI Fieldname: * Split Method
Tenant ID, Leave Blank
Bank Branch Code - If Direct Deposit, this must be a valid bank branch code already set up in CMiC.
💻 UI Fieldname: Branch
Pre-Note Count - Enter a zero '0' for this field.
"EssCompCode": "001",
"EssEmpNo": "1010",
"EssSplitNumber": 4,
"EssSplitType": null,
"EssBankAccNumber": null,
"EssBankCode": "BOA",
"EssBranchCode": null,
"EssSplitPercent": null,
"EssUser": "ADWAIT",
"EssLastUpdDate": "2022-05-20T14:23:45Z",
"EssAchTranCode": null,
"EssPrenoteCnt": null,
"EssEmpSalSplitType": null,
"EssSplitMethod": null,
"EssTranType": null,
"EssTranCode": null,
"EssNormTranCode": null,
"EssVUuid": "F2A4A14B8AAC7A24E05316821FACC292",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pyempsalspl/F2A4A14B8AAC7A24E05316821FACC292",
"name": "pyempsalspl",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pyempsalspl/F2A4A14B8AAC7A24E05316821FACC292",
"name": "pyempsalspl",
"kind": "item"