- 04 Dec 2024
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Create Voucher Header and Details
- Updated on 04 Dec 2024
- 19 Minutes to read
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Create Voucher with Details
UI Location: Financials - Accounts Payable - Voucher - Enter Vouchers
Basic authentication
This is the currency code of the invoice. This must be a VALID CMiC Currency Code for the company entered in VouNum
This is a unique number for each voucher entered in the system. The first record in the first batch (file) should have a value of –999999 and increment from there by 1 for each record. Start each successive file with a value that is 1 + the value of the last record in the previous batch and increment the numbers from there for each record in the new batch.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Voucher Num
This is the amount of the invoice before taxes and regardless of retainage. (The amount entered in the ‘AMOUNT’ field of voucher entry). If this is a retainage release voucher, set this to ‘0’.
If a value is entered in VouContCode this is a mandatory field. This is the change order number the subcontractor invoice refers to. If the invoice is for the standard contract then set this to ‘000’. If this is for a change order then enter the change order number.
If invoice series codes are being used to indicate the type of invoice then a VALID CMiC series code should be entered or leave blank.
This is the date of the invoice.
💻 UI Fieldname: Invoice Date
If this invoice is for a subcontractor then this should be the contract number. This must be a VALID CMiC contract code or blank.
This is the vendors invoice number as shown on the invoice. This must be unique for the vendor within the company and preferably within the system. See VouDuplicateId for a way to handle duplicate invoice codes.
💻 UI Fieldname: *Invoice Number
If this invoice is for a single job only, then enter the job code here. This must be a VALID CMiC job code or blank.
💻 UI Fieldname: Job Code
This is the company code that holds the liability for this voucher. This must be a VALID CMiC company code.
This is the date the invoice is to be paid by.
💻 UI Fieldname: Due Date
This is the date this invoice was posted to the General Ledger.
This is the vendor code on this voucher. This must be a VALID CMiC Vendor.
💻 UI Fieldname: Vendor
This is the amount of tax charged to tax2. In Canada this is the PST tax amount. If not applicable set to zero
Contract Exceeded Hold Flag. Set to Y/N. Defaults to ‘N’.
💻 UI Fieldname: Category
💻 UI Fieldname: PO Number
Tax Code 3 on the Voucher. If there is a tax 3 then this must be a valid CMiC tax Code, otherwise leave this field blank
Flag to indicate that the tax5 code exists but the tax amount will be calculated as zero. Valid values are (Y)es -meaning taxable and (N)o -meaning non taxable. If the tax code is not null this field cannot be null.
This status is for SC Pay Requests entered via the Collaboration system. Set this field to ‘SUBMITTED’ for conversion.
The amount of the invoice that discounts is not applicable to. If this is not applicable set to 0, If there is retainage and no discount – set this to the retainage amount
‘Y’ if the tax is included in the invoice amount. Not used for converted data, since the value is never used after the voucher is entered. Set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
The dollar amount tax2 was calculated against.
The dollar amount tax4 was calculated against.
💻 UI Fieldname: Cost Code
This is the amount of tax charged to tax1. In Canada this is the GST tax amount. If there is no tax set this to 0.
Is the Tax 3 amount included in the voucher amount – The default is N - – For conversion set this field to N
This field is for compatibility only. Set this to the same amount used for VOU_INV_AMT
💻 UI Fieldname: *Invoice Amount
If discount is eligible on the Tax 5 amount set this field to Y otherwise set to N – The default is N
The dollar amount tax1 was calculated against.
If Tax Code 3 is applicable this is the calculated tax amount for tax code 3. If tax code 3 is not utilized set this to zero
Only applicable if tax 2 is a tax credit type tax (CDN, Quebec)
This is the batch number that the voucher was voided with. Must be null/blank if voucher is not voided.
In Canada, only this is the amount of retainage calculated on the GST amount. If this is not applicable set it to ‘0’
This is the date the voucher was voided. Must be populated if VOU_STATUS_CODE = ‘V’.Must be null/blank if voucher is not voided.
SC Tender Package code
Is the voucher to be paid on a check by itself, not combined with other vouchers to the same vendor. Only applicable to Open Invoices the default 'N'. – For conversion set this field to N
Voucher Type, Currently the only valid value is 'V' for Standard Voucher.
Flag to indicate that the voucher is to be “paid when paid". Specify ‘N’ if the voucher can be paid without waiting for a corresponding AR payment. Specify ‘Y’ if the voucher should be held until the AR payment is received.
Tax Code 4 on the Voucher. If there is a tax 4 then this must be a valid CMiC tax Code, otherwise leave this field blank
If it is impossible for VOU_INV_CODE to be unique for the vendor within the company, this optional field can be used to provide an additional value to create a unique key. This field does not appear on any screens or standard reports.
Start with batch number –999999999 and increment by 1 for each separate company in each ASCII file created. (i.e. –999999999, -999999998, -999999997, ……)
Flag indicates if the Tax 2 amount is eligible for discount – the default is N and is only applicable if discount is available. Set this field to N for conversion unless there is discount on the invoice and tax is discountable
This is the amount of the discount available on this invoice. If there is no discount applicable set this to ‘0’
💻 UI Fieldname: Discount Amt
This is the department for the GL Bank account that this invoice is most likely to be paid out of. This must be a VALID CMiC department code
This is the GL Bank account that that this invoice is most likely to be paid out of. This must be a VALID CMiC account code.
The dollar amount tax5 was calculated against.
Not Currently Utilized - For Conversion – leave this field blank
This field indicates if the voucher is on hold for payment. If the case is so then this should be set to ‘Y’ for permanent hold, otherwise set this field to ‘N’.
Records the total amount paid against the voucher
Flag to indicate that the tax4 code exists but the tax amount will be calculated as zero. Valid values are (Y)es -meaning taxable and (N)o -meaning non taxable. If the tax code is not null this field cannot be null.
Not Currently Utilized - For Conversion – leave this field blank
This is the amount of tax that was released along with the retainage released. Leave blank if not applicable
If Tax Code 4 is applicable this is the calculated tax amount for tax code 4. If tax code 4 is not utilized set this to zero
Is the Tax 4 amount included in the voucher amount – The default is N - – For conversion set this field to N
This is a quick reference field for ad-hoc reporting filled in by CMiC applications to record the last payment amount against the voucher
This is an alternate Payment address code. Only applicable to open vouchers where the payment address is not the standard vendor address – leave blank if not required. If not null it must be on file for the current vendor in the BPADDRESSES table.
Voucher Pay Code. Set to:‘N’ - Pay using Normal Rules, ‘P’ - Permanent Hold , ‘T’ - Temporary Hold, ‘E’ - Express Pay, ‘B’ – Pay When Paid Hold, ‘C’ – Compliance Hold. For fully closed invoices set this to ‘N’
Is Tax 3 a Tax Credit type tax – This is only applicable to GST/VAT – This field should be set to N
This is the amount still remaining to be paid on the invoice not including retainage being held. I.e. If invoice is for $1000 with 10% retainage this field is $900. If this is a retainage release voucher then this amount is the retainage amount
💻 UI Fieldname: Department
In Canada only this is the amount of retainage calculated on the PST amount. If this is not applicable set it to ‘0’
This field is the status of the voucher.‘O’ - Open,‘C’ - Closed,‘P' - Partially Paid,‘V’ - Voided
CIS/RTC Payable amount
CIS/RTC Applicable amount
If this tax is payable to the vendor then set this field to ‘N’. If you must submit this tax amount directly to the govt. set this field to ‘Y’. For Conversion set this field to N
If discount is eligible on the Tax 4 amount set this field to Y otherwise set to N – The default is N
Flag indicates if the Tax 1 amount is eligible for discount – the default is N and is only applicable if discount is available. Set this field to N for conversion unless there is discount on the invoice and tax is discountable
Flag to indicate that the tax2 code exists but the tax amount will be calculated as zero. Valid values are (Y)es -meaning taxable and (N)o -meaning non taxable. If the tax code is not null this field cannot be null.
This is the amount of retainage currently applicable to this invoice. Set to ‘0’ if there is no retainage. If this is a retainage release voucher set this to the retainage released amount * -1. I.e. $50 retainage release would be –50.
💻 UI Fieldname: Retainage Amt
Is tax 3 a direct pay tax? (Are you responsible for remitting this tax to the Govt.) If Yes set to ‘Y’ otherwise set to N – For conversion set this field to N
If Tax Code 5 is applicable this is the calculated tax amount for tax code 5. If tax code 5 is not utilized set this to zero
Tax Code 5 on the Voucher. If there is a tax 5 then this must be a valid CMiC tax Code, otherwise leave this field blank
This applies to GST type taxes. Set this to ‘Y’ in Canada otherwise set to ‘N’
Set this to 'Y' if the voucher was or will be paid by EFT otherwise set to 'N'
CIS/RTC Percentage
Flag to indicate that the tax1 code exists but the tax amount will be calculated as zero. Valid values are (Y)es -meaning taxable and (N)o -meaning non taxable. If the tax code is not null this field cannot be null.
Is tax 4 a direct pay tax? (Are you responsible for remitting this tax to the Govt.) If Yes set to ‘Y’ otherwise set to N – For conversion set this field to N
Is Tax 4 a Tax Credit type tax – This is only applicable to GST/VAT – This field should be set to N
This applies to GST type taxes. Set this to ‘Y’ in Canada otherwise set to ‘N’. Not used for converted data. Always set this to ‘N’.
A unique note regarding payment information for this voucher
If taxes are applicable on this invoice enter the Tax Code that is associated with the tax 1 amount. This must be a valid CMiC Tax Code.
If this tax is payable to the vendor then set this field to ‘N’. If you must submit this tax amount directly to the govt. set this field to ‘Y’. For Conversion Set this field to N
This is a short description about the invoice.
This is the code that designates what type of 1099 the payment of this invoice is applicable to. For the US, this must be a valid CMiC 1099 Code. Leave null/blank for Canada.
‘Y’ if tax 2 amount is included in the invoice amount. Not used for converted data, since the value is never used after the voucher is entered. Set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
If this invoice was for more than one job set this field to ‘2’, if the invoice was for 1 job only, set this field to ‘1’ otherwise if the invoice was for no jobs set this field to ‘0’.
- If this is a retainage release voucher, this field should contain the retainage release amount * -1. B) For original vouchers, this is the retainage amount that has been released. Leave blank if not applicable. For each voucher that has released retainage, there should be an amount in this field as well as a release retainage voucher with a negative amount in this field. Therefore, as a whole, the sum of VOU_RLS_AMT should add up to zero for the entire table.
Flag indicates if the miscellaneous amount is eligible for discount. – Set this field to ‘N’ for conversion unless discount is application on an open invoice with miscellaneous charges
If freight charges were included on this invoice as a separate amount then enter the amount here.
Is tax 5 a direct pay tax? (Are you responsible for remitting this tax to the Govt.) If Yes set to ‘Y’ otherwise set to N – For conversion set this field to N
Is Tax 5 a Tax Credit type tax – This is only applicable to GST/VAT – This field should be set to N
Flag to indicate that the tax3 code exists but the tax amount will be calculated as zero. Valid values are (Y)es -meaning taxable and (N)o -meaning non taxable. If the tax code is not null this field cannot be null.
If the voucher is for a single job, then this is the company code the job belongs to. Otherwise leave this field blank
💻 UI Fieldname: *Distribution Type
This is the date the invoice should be paid by to be able to take the early payment discount. (If you do not use discounts set this date to be the same as VouInvDate)
Not Currently Utilized - For Conversion – leave this field blank
Is the Tax 5 amount included in the voucher amount – The default is N - – For conversion set this field to N
This field is only applicable if the invoice has been paid and discount was taken at time of payment. This is the amount of the discount taken.
If there were miscellaneous charges applied to this invoice enter the amount here
If discount is eligible on the Tax 3 amount set this field to Y otherwise set to N – The default is N
This is the original retainage amount or ‘0’ (zero). If this is a retainage release voucher set this to the retainage released amount * -1. I.e. $50 retainage release would be –50.
Flag indicates if the freight amount is eligible for discount. – Set this field to ‘N’ for conversion unless discount is application on an open invoice with freight charges
The dollar amount tax3 was calculated against.
If taxes are applicable on this invoice enter the Tax Code that is associated with the tax 2 amount. This must be a valid CMiC Tax Code.
💻 UI Fieldname: Release
This is the amount of tax1 (GST) that was originally retained on this invoice against the Retainage amount. This is only applicable in Canada. Set this to ‘0’ (zero) if not applicable.
Retainage method on Tax 2. This is only applicable to Canada. For conversion set this to 'G'
This is the conversion factor used to convert the invoice currency to the company currency. If the currency is the same as the company set this field to ‘1’
This is the text that will be printed on the check stub regarding the payment of this voucher. This is only applicable if the voucher is open – This overrides the voucher description field when printing checks
"CopySerFlag": null,
"Vou1099Code": "X",
"VouAcctDescription": null,
"VouAppr1": null,
"VouAppr2": null,
"VouBchName": null,
"VouBchNum": 4461473,
"VouBchPost": "N",
"VouCashAccCode": "10001",
"VouCatCode": null,
"VouCatName": null,
"VouChgCode": "000",
"VouChqHandleCode": null,
"VouChqPayeeName": null,
"VouCisApplicableAmt": null,
"VouCisPayableAmt": null,
"VouCisPc": null,
"VouCompCode": "001",
"VouContCode": "16-001.001",
"VouContExceedHoldFlag": null,
"VouContactCode": null,
"VouContractorPrelimFlag": null,
"VouCopyDiscAmt": null,
"VouCopyDiscDate": null,
"VouCopyDiscPc": null,
"VouCopyDueDate": null,
"VouCopyEnteredAmt": null,
"VouCopyGrossAmt": null,
"VouCopyHldbkAmt": null,
"VouCopyHldbkPc": null,
"VouCopyNetInvAmt": null,
"VouCopyStartDate": null,
"VouCostCode": null,
"VouCreatedByJbFlag": null,
"VouCreatedByManchqFlag": null,
"VouCurcFactorNum": 1,
"VouCurrCode": "USD",
"VouCurrName": null,
"VouDeptAccName": null,
"VouDeptAcct": null,
"VouDeptCode": "00",
"VouDeptCodeDist": null,
"VouDesc1": null,
"VouDesc2": null,
"VouDfltHldbkAmt": null,
"VouDfttaxFromCode": null,
"VouDiscAllocMethCode": null,
"VouDiscAmt": null,
"VouDiscDate": null,
"VouDiscDay": null,
"VouDiscTaken": null,
"VouDiscreteChqFlag": null,
"VouDistTypeCode": null,
"VouDrawNum": null,
"VouDueDate": "2020-11-06",
"VouDueDay": null,
"VouDuplicateId": null,
"VouEftFlag": null,
"VouEnteredAmt": null,
"VouEqpCode": null,
"VouEqpName": null,
"VouExpDeptCode": null,
"VouExpense": null,
"VouFinalRfpFlag": "N",
"VouFiscalCode": null,
"VouFrtAmt": null,
"VouFrtDiscCode": null,
"VouFuncFactorNum": null,
"VouGrossAmt": null,
"VouGsthldbkCode": null,
"VouHldbkAmt": null,
"VouHldbkPaid": null,
"VouHldbkPc": null,
"VouHoldFlag": null,
"VouHoldPaymentDays": null,
"VouHoldPaymentFlag": null,
"VouImageFilename": null,
"VouImportInfo": null,
"VouImportingGoodsFlag": null,
"VouIncCode": null,
"VouIncNo": null,
"VouIncPaymentType": null,
"VouIndemnity": null,
"VouInsurance": null,
"VouInternal": null,
"VouInvCode": "LTEST1234",
"VouInvDate": "2020-10-07",
"VouInvHldbkTaxFlag": null,
"VouInvOutstandAmt": null,
"VouInvSeriesCode": "SUBS",
"VouInvSeriesName": null,
"VouIuCreateDate": null,
"VouIuCreateUser": null,
"VouIuUpdateDate": null,
"VouIuUpdateUser": null,
"VouJobCode": "16-001",
"VouJobCompCode": null,
"VouLastPayAmt": null,
"VouMaterialInvFlag": null,
"VouMemoAmt": null,
"VouMemoDiscAmt": null,
"VouMemoHldbkAmt": null,
"VouMemoTax2Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax2HldbkAmt": null,
"VouMemoTax3Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax4Amt": null,
"VouMemoTax5Amt": null,
"VouMemoTaxAmt": null,
"VouMemoTaxHldbkAmt": null,
"VouMiscAmt": null,
"VouMiscDiscCode": null,
"VouMultiControlJobFlag": null,
"VouNatureOfServices": null,
"VouNetInvAmt": null,
"VouNodiscAmt": null,
"VouNonZeroOweCompVenCode": null,
"VouNum": 2021263183,
"VouOperationCode": null,
"VouOraseq": 835714862,
"VouOrigAmt": null,
"VouOrigBchNum": null,
"VouOrigHldbkAmt": null,
"VouOrigTaxHldbkAmt": null,
"VouOriginatingVouNum": null,
"VouOtherTaxes": null,
"VouPaidAmt": null,
"VouPartialApprovedAmt": null,
"VouPartnCode": null,
"VouPartnTypeCode": null,
"VouPayByManualChqFlag": "N",
"VouPayCode": null,
"VouPayNotes": null,
"VouPoNum": null,
"VouPoPickFlag": null,
"VouPoPrtCode": null,
"VouPoReleaseNum": null,
"VouPostDate": null,
"VouPrelienComplPayCode": null,
"VouPrepaidExpAmt": null,
"VouPyTaxVoucherFlag": null,
"VouRecordStatus": null,
"VouRegInvFlag": null,
"VouRegInvNum": null,
"VouRegisteredAmt": null,
"VouRemitDesc": null,
"VouResaleInfo": null,
"VouRevBchNum": null,
"VouRevDate": null,
"VouRevisionNum": null,
"VouRlsAmt": null,
"VouRlsBchNum": null,
"VouRlsDate": null,
"VouRlsInvCode": null,
"VouRlsNum": null,
"VouRlsTax1Amt": null,
"VouRlsTax1Code": null,
"VouRlsTax2Amt": null,
"VouRlsTax2Code": null,
"VouRlsWAmt": null,
"VouRoutJob": null,
"VouRowid": null,
"VouScApplyBchNum": null,
"VouScApprovedFlag": "Y",
"VouScModifiedFlag": null,
"VouScSelfBilledFlag": null,
"VouScmstJobCode": null,
"VouSelForVoidFlag": null,
"VouSeparateBillingRefCode": null,
"VouShipOraseq": null,
"VouShplCode": null,
"VouSktAmt": null,
"VouSourceFromDate": null,
"VouSourceObjectOraseq": null,
"VouSourceToDate": null,
"VouSourceTypeCode": null,
"VouSplitByApplCode": null,
"VouSplitGroupNum": null,
"VouStatusCode": null,
"VouSubcontrCode": null,
"VouTax1Code": null,
"VouTax1CreditFlag": null,
"VouTax1DirectFlag": null,
"VouTax1HldbkAdjAmt": null,
"VouTax1IncFlag": null,
"VouTax1TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax1TaxableFlag": null,
"VouTax1Total": null,
"VouTax2Amt": null,
"VouTax2Code": null,
"VouTax2CreditFlag": null,
"VouTax2DirectFlag": null,
"VouTax2DiscCode": null,
"VouTax2HldbkAdjAmt": null,
"VouTax2HldbkAmt": null,
"VouTax2HldbkCode": null,
"VouTax2IncFlag": null,
"VouTax2TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax2TaxableFlag": null,
"VouTax3Amt": null,
"VouTax3Code": null,
"VouTax3CreditFlag": null,
"VouTax3DirectFlag": null,
"VouTax3DiscCode": null,
"VouTax3IncFlag": null,
"VouTax3TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax3TaxableFlag": null,
"VouTax4Amt": null,
"VouTax4Code": null,
"VouTax4CreditFlag": null,
"VouTax4DirectFlag": null,
"VouTax4DiscCode": null,
"VouTax4IncFlag": null,
"VouTax4TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax4TaxableFlag": null,
"VouTax5Amt": null,
"VouTax5Code": null,
"VouTax5CreditFlag": null,
"VouTax5DirectFlag": null,
"VouTax5DiscCode": null,
"VouTax5IncFlag": null,
"VouTax5TaxableAmt": null,
"VouTax5TaxableFlag": null,
"VouTaxAmt": null,
"VouTaxDiscCode": null,
"VouTaxHldbkAmt": null,
"VouTaxTreatmentPercent": null,
"VouTermPc": null,
"VouTppayCode": null,
"VouTranCode": null,
"VouUnpostedPayCodeOverride": null,
"VouUnpostedRfpInfo": null,
"VouValuateFromDate": null,
"VouValuateToDate": null,
"VouVenAddCode": null,
"VouVenCode": "0415",
"VouVenName": null,
"VouVendorInvCode": null,
"VouInvAmt": 1,
"links": [
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"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/ap-rest-api/rest/1/apvoucher/2021263183",
"name": "apvoucher",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/ap-rest-api/rest/1/apvoucher/2021263183",
"name": "apvoucher",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "child",
"href": "http://mobtest.cmiccloudr12.com:80/cmictestrti/ap-rest-api/rest/1/apvoucher/2021263183/child/ApVoucherDetailViewObj",
"name": "ApVoucherDetailViewObj",
"kind": "collection"