AP Voucher (RFP ) POST
  • 16 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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AP Voucher (RFP ) POST

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Article summary

A voucher is a standardized and prenumbered form utilized in the accounts payable department to improve a company's internal control over payments to vendors and service providers.

The key aspect to a successful POST request for AP Voucher is that it must be created against a schedule of values that still has a remaining balance.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to proceed:

Step 1: Locate a subcontract with a schedule of values that has a remaining balance, or create one following the steps shown below. From this, you will gather values for attributes such as compCode, JobCode, and VenCode, which are required for the payload.

Step 2: Obtain the value of VdistTranScschOraseq by querying the scsched endpoint with the assistance of the selectSOV finder.

Step 3: At this stage, you should have all the necessary values for the payload. The remaining details are either user-defined or can be found in the sample payload provided below.

Please note that this step-by-step guide represents the minimum requirements to make the POST operation work. You may need further research and adjustment to ensure the payload aligns with your specific business requirements and logic.

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