- 17 Oct 2024
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Creating a Request for Payment (RFP) Voucher
- Updated on 17 Oct 2024
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A voucher is a standardized and pre-numbered form used in accounts payable to improve a company's internal control over payments to vendors and service providers.
The key aspect to a successful creation of a Request for Payment Voucher is it must be created against a schedule of values with a remaining balance.
This is step-by-step guide of the minimum requirements to create an RFP Voucher.
For additional user documentation go to CMiC Payments
Creating a Subcontract with SOV
Step 1: Locate a Subcontract with Schedule of Values that has a remaining balance, or create one. From here, you will gather values for the following attributes:
- Company Code
- Job Code
- Vendor Code
- Schedule of Values Oraseq
which are needed for the RFP request body reviewed later on.
Retrieve Subcontract/PO records
https://{add CMiC domain}/{add CMiC server}/pm-rest-api/rest/1/scmast?finder=selectByCompany;CompCodeVar=ZZ,VendorCodeVar=ZZ-WMT,ContCodeVar=963ZZ-001
To look up from CMiC Web app:
Step 2: Obtain the value of VdistTranScschOraseq by querying the Scsched endpoint with the assistance of the selectSOV finder.
Retrieve specific Schedule of Values record
https://{add CMiC domain}/{add CMiC server}/pm-rest-api/rest/1/scsched?finder=selectSOV;CompCodeVar=ZZ,ContCodeVar=963ZZ-001,JobCodeSOV=963,ChgCodeVar=000
Step 3: At this stage, you should have all the necessary values for the payload. The remaining details are either user-defined or can be found in the sample payload provided below.
Create an RFP (Request for Payment) Voucher
https://{add CMiC domain}/{add CMiC server}/ap-rest-api/rest/1/apvoucher
"VouBchPost": "N",
"VouCompCode": "ZZ",
"VouJobCode": "963",
"VouVenCode": "ZZ-WMT",
"VouContCode": "963ZZ-001",
"VouChgCode": "000",
"VouInvCode": "INV123",
"VouInvSeriesCode": "SUBS",
"VouCurrCode": "USD",
"VouNum": 1100,
"VouInvAmt": 1100,
"VouInvDate": "2024-10-07",
"VouDueDate": "2024-11-06",
"VouPostDate": null,
"VouFinalRfpFlag": "N",
"VouPayByManualChqFlag": "N",
"ApVoucherDetailViewObj": [
"VdistVouNum": 1100,
"VdistTranScschOraseq": 22830381,
"VdistTranScschLstAmt": 1,
"VdistTranScschHldbkAmt": 0,
"VdistTranScschHldbkRlsAmt": 0