Capturing weekly or biweekly office timesheets
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Capturing weekly or biweekly office timesheets

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Article summary

Capturing weekly or biweekly office timesheets in CMiC, these can be posted, unposted, unapproved.

Step 1: Retrieve the job cost distribution

Find job using company code e.g. compCode=001



curl --location --request GET ';compCode=001' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your-User:Pass'

Step 2: Retrieve JC Job Phases

Retrieve cost codes related to the selected job using the finder query parameter e.g.



curl --location --request GET ';compCode=001,jobCode=00100' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your-User:Pass'

Step 3: Retrieve JC Job Categories

Find job category code for a specific job and cost code using finder e.g.



curl --location --request GET ';compCode=001,jobCode=00100,costCode=15100' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your-User:Pass'

Step 4: Retrieve an employee

Retrieve employee information to be used when creating a time sheet.

As an example we will use employee number 02085 and retrieve the following fields:

EmpNoEmployee number
EmpJobCompCodeDefault Company the employee belongs to.
EmpWcbCodeWCB according to timesheet job
EmpUnionizedUnion Employee - ‘Y’ or ‘N’
EmpUniCodeUnion Code the employee belongs to.
EmpUniNameUnion name
EmpTrdCodeTrade Code
EmpTrdNameTrade name

As an example query parameters would look like:



curl --location --request GET ';EmpNoVar=02085&fields=EmpNo,EmpJobCompCode,EmpWcbCode,EmpUnionized,EmpUniCode,EmpUniName,EmpTrdCode,EmpTrdName&onlyData=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your-User:Pass'

Step 5: Retrieve PY Unions

Retrieving employee's union information using q parameter. E.g.



curl --location --request GET '/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pyunions?q=UniCode=1644' \
--header 'Authorization: Your-User:Pass'

Step 6: Retrieve PY Trades

Retrieving employee's trade information using q parameter. E.g.



curl --location --request GET '/hcm-rest-api/rest/1/pytrades?q=TrdCode=U001' \
--header 'Authorization: Your-User:Pass'

Step 7: Create a PY Employee Weekly Timesheet


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your-User:Pass' \
--data-raw '{
    "parts": [{
            "id": "part1",
            "path": "/1/pyemptimesheet",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {
                "TshCompCode": "001",
                "TshPrnCode": "WK",
                "TshPprYear": 2022,
                "TshPprPeriod": 29,
                "TshDocumentNo": "D01",
                "TshBatchPostFlag": "N",
                "TshDate": "2022-07-18",
                "TshEmpNo": "02085",
                "TshTypeCode": "J",
                "TshJobdeptwoId": "00100",
                "TshPhsacctwiId": "15100",
                "TshCatexpId": "M",
                "TshNormalHours": 8,
                "TshDotHours": 0,
                "TshOtHours": 0,
                "TshOhType": null,
                "TshOtherHours": 0,
                "TshWcbCode": "5506",
                "TshWorkCompCode": "001",
                "TshExpAmount": null,
                "TshExpCode": null,
                "TshExpQuantity": null,
                "TshExpRate": null,
                "TshUnionCode": "1644",
                "TshTradeCode": "U001",
                "TshVUuid": "8b1d7922-ba6d-4fa1-a380-e329b592676f"

        }, {
            "id": "part2",
            "path": "/1/pyemptimesheet",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {
                "TshCompCode": "001",
                "TshPrnCode": "WK",
                "TshPprYear": 2022,
                "TshPprPeriod": 28,
                "TshDocumentNo": "D02",
                "TshBatchPostFlag": "N",
                "TshDate": "2022-07-19",
                "TshEmpNo": "02085",
                "TshTypeCode": "J",
                "TshJobdeptwoId": "00100",
                "TshPhsacctwiId": "15100",
                "TshCatexpId": "M",
                "TshNormalHours": 8,
                "TshDotHours": 0,
                "TshOtHours": 0,
                "TshOhType": null,
                "TshOtherHours": 0,
                "TshWcbCode": "5506",
                "TshWorkCompCode": "001",
                "TshExpAmount": null,
                "TshExpCode": null,
                "TshExpQuantity": null,
                "TshExpRate": null,
                "TshUnionCode": "1644",
                "TshTradeCode": "U001",
                "TshVUuid": "e9ababce-3bcf-4d08-bcb5-79b3486d482f"

        }, {
            "id": "part3",
            "path": "/1/pyemptimesheet",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {
                "TshCompCode": "001",
                "TshPrnCode": "WK",
                "TshPprYear": 2022,
                "TshPprPeriod": 28,
                "TshDocumentNo": "D03",
                "TshBatchPostFlag": "N",
                "TshDate": "2022-07-20",
                "TshEmpNo": "02085",
                "TshTypeCode": "J",
                "TshJobdeptwoId": "00100",
                "TshPhsacctwiId": "15100",
                "TshCatexpId": "M",
                "TshNormalHours": 8,
                "TshDotHours": 0,
                "TshOtHours": 0,
                "TshOhType": null,
                "TshOtherHours": 0,
                "TshWcbCode": "5506",
                "TshWorkCompCode": "001",
                "TshExpAmount": null,
                "TshExpCode": null,
                "TshExpQuantity": null,
                "TshExpRate": null,
                "TshUnionCode": "1644",
                "TshTradeCode": "U001",
                "TshVUuid": "88136217-cc58-45ac-b1e1-fff73a313c00"

        }, {
            "id": "part4",
            "path": "/1/pyemptimesheet",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {
                "TshCompCode": "001",
                "TshPrnCode": "WK",
                "TshPprYear": 2022,
                "TshPprPeriod": 28,
                "TshDocumentNo": "D04",
                "TshBatchPostFlag": "N",
                "TshDate": "2022-07-21",
                "TshEmpNo": "02085",
                "TshTypeCode": "J",
                "TshJobdeptwoId": "00100",
                "TshPhsacctwiId": "15100",
                "TshCatexpId": "M",
                "TshNormalHours": 8,
                "TshDotHours": 0,
                "TshOtHours": 0,
                "TshOhType": null,
                "TshOtherHours": 0,
                "TshWcbCode": "5506",
                "TshWorkCompCode": "001",
                "TshExpAmount": null,
                "TshExpCode": null,
                "TshExpQuantity": null,
                "TshExpRate": null,
                "TshUnionCode": "1644",
                "TshTradeCode": "U001",
                "TshVUuid": "04ba3b6f-b832-4888-b831-e0b95101ca42"

        }, {
            "id": "part5",
            "path": "/1/pyemptimesheet",
            "operation": "create",
            "payload": {
                "TshCompCode": "001",
                "TshPrnCode": "WK",
                "TshPprYear": 2022,
                "TshPprPeriod": 28,
                "TshDocumentNo": "D05",
                "TshBatchPostFlag": "N",
                "TshDate": "2022-07-22",
                "TshEmpNo": "02085",
                "TshTypeCode": "J",
                "TshJobdeptwoId": "00100",
                "TshPhsacctwiId": "15100",
                "TshCatexpId": "M",
                "TshNormalHours": 8,
                "TshDotHours": 0,
                "TshOtHours": 0,
                "TshOhType": null,
                "TshOtherHours": 0,
                "TshWcbCode": "5506",
                "TshWorkCompCode": "001",
                "TshExpAmount": null,
                "TshExpCode": null,
                "TshExpQuantity": null,
                "TshExpRate": null,
                "TshUnionCode": "1644",
                "TshTradeCode": "U001",
                "TshVUuid": "e6c08951-9f76-4cb8-9f01-98d4e25d19a3"
