Re-Hire an Employee
  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Re-Hire an Employee

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Article summary

Use the Employee API to re-hire a previously terminated employee.

Step 1: Create a POST request

Create request payload with the minimum required parameters:

Request Body

Following are the required parameters when re-hiring an employee.

  • EmhActionCode
  • EmpVUuid
  • EmpNo
  • EmpUser
  • EmpCompCode
  • EmpStatus
  • EmpTxtCode
  • EmpReHireDate

In the above request EmhActionCode can one of the following:

  • CH Any change
  • NR New hires
  • TM Termination
  • RR Re-Hire
  • IN Pay rate increment
  • PR Promotion
  • TR Transfer (i.e. cost center changes)
  • DE Deceased
  • RT Retired

In the above request EmpStatus can one of the following:

  • A Active
  • T Terminated
  • R Retired
  • D Deceased
  • S Sick
  • U Unpaid leave
  • P Paid leave
  • L Temporary layoff
  • O Other


curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic PDx1c2VyPj46PDxwYXNzPj4=' \
     --header 'content-type: application/' \
     --data-raw '{
    		"EmhActionCode": "RR",
    		"EmpVUuid": "",
    		"EmpNo": "006",
    		"EmpUser": "SERVICEUSER",
    		"EmpCompCode": "001",
    		"EmpStatus": "A",
    		"EmpTxtCode": "DC",
    		"EmpReHireDate" : "2021-10-08"